Too cold to grill???


Mike Isaacson

So I was given some gruff the other day when I said its too cold to grill, Something like "I thought you Minnesota boys were hardy?" That got me thinking, Am I letting down my Northern brothers? Am I becoming a fair weather griller? I decided I will be grilling tonight to redeem myself.

Lets get started.

Cubed up some venison and sent it through the grinder.

Patties. 1 only venison, 3 half venison and half beef, and 1 pork patty.

Time to check the grill and temp.

So cold I froze my Alaska

Burgers on

Lets eat.

Sweet! Good looking burgers! And nice grinder! SWMBO got me the KA grinder for my birthday a couple months ago. I'll never use store ground for burgers again!
And while it's not Minnesota,Wisconsin or even Maine cold here(I grew up there),I'll still grill in the cold!
Well done, Mike ... Way to represent the North!

Us Southern Boyz think its cold outside when the thermometer dips below 40 degrees ... ;)
The cold is one thing but the dad gum wind with it is what kills me. Your burgers look awesome. I'll bet the taste was extra special knowing you had to do it in that bitter cold.
Jeeze, Mike: I would have froze my Alaska off, too!! That's crazy cold to be outside, flippin' those beautiful burgers.
Mike you gotta open those beers and drink em...they freeze unless you drink them...most like a great slushy though!

Venison I'll take 2 ...looks tasty!
ahhh i didnt realize there was a grinder attachment for the kitchen aid. ahhhh...i might actually get to touch that pretty thing that sits on the counter that i never use. only the wife uses it for baking...
Great looking burgers!!! You guys that grill/BBQ in the winter have my utmost respect!!!! It gets below 55 here I'm thinking, Honey lets get in the truck and get some Pho!!!
Superb Job Mike!! Beautifully done in spite of the extreme cold weather. I grew up in the Chicago area and my Dad taught me how to cook on our Weber some 50 years ago.... I'm glad he did and I think he did it in part so he didn't have to light the grill and cook outdoors! I'm a softy now. When it gets in the 30's I complain about the cold, but still grill.

