Throwdown #13: Chicken Wings

Alright, here is my entry. Its a holiday Monday up here in Canada, with beautiful weather, so it was a perfect day to fire up the WSM.

Here are the wings on the WSM, cooked with what I'm dubbing the Lampe method. Got the temp up to about 325 on the dome thermo. The wings were dusted with the Memphis rub from the The Barbecue Bible with a little extra cayenne. The covered pan has some sliced potatoes with kosher salt, black pepper, thyme, sage, garlic powder and olive oil. This was all cooked over Wicked Good lump charcoal and cherry chunks.

ABTs joined the party. These were filled with regular cream cheese and dusted with Bad Byrons Butt Rub.

Looking good if I may say so myself.

Wings tossed in some homemade sauce before being put back for the sauce to set

Look done to me


Thanks for looking!
Beatnik Bird Wings

with fingers crossed...
I fired up the 18"WSM for my 1st time
got a dozen chicken wings all set


marinated for hours in a lil' dark rum with a palm of different spices...
just some weird stuff you would not think of...


then seasoned with a mix of miscellaneous rubs
while the wings cooked, the 26"OTG housed a few ears of corn
found this in the store and used it on the flappers


the wings look ready for the sauce


sauced up and singin' songs


this 18"WSM, sans the waterpan, was loaded with a mixture of lump and used Kingsford



once the chicken reached a nice colour, it was removed to rest from the heat


soon after, dinner was served with sautéed garden fresh Bok Choy and onions


Wonderful Wisconsin farm fresh butter with red pepper flakes covered the corn


quite tasty and completely devoured
Thank you for viewing​
Several weeks to go and this is heating up to be a big showdown, and I haven't even cooked yet..................d
Great looking entries so far, everyone. But I thought Lampe didn't enter throwdowns!?! :D
you thought i thought i was too good for this ChadM? ;) I live by the 5 second rule... someone throws something down, i got 5 seconds to pick it up and eet it:p
Hell, I don't know what anyone thinks, Jim. Myself included. But I do seem to recall something from a seafood post you had back in Feb/March:

thanks Jim, butt you will probably not see me in any of the TDs.... ;)

You did say "probably" though! Just yankin' your chain. Glad to see your entry.
With time growing short it is time to submit my entry. I decided on an indirect grill cook after marinating the wings overnight in the fridge, half with just EVO with salt and pepper, and the other half in a homemade apricot/Siriacha sauce. For sides I decided to make a black bean/grilled corn/avocado salad and finish off with a dish I'll call a "Flowering Onion" so as to not step on any trademarks.

First off is a picture of the majority of the ingredients necessary for the cook. The chicken is contained within a bag at the lower right of the picture. Looking back I did leave out a few items, such as the bottle of Jack Daniels that was used in the sauce, perhaps it was being put to another use in different location.


First task was to grill the corn early to make make the avocado salad. As any good BBQ'er knows, grilling corn takes it to a greater taste level. The salad is 3-4 ears of grilled corn, one can of black beans drained and washed, two avocado's, a can of pimento's, and about a quarter cup of lime juice. This is seasoned with salt, pepper, and a few dashes of hot sauce. If desired red onions, celery, cherry tomato's, and bell peppers could be added to the dish, experiment if desired. I also find that if made at least 5-6 hours before the flavors meld together better. I usually make it the day before. Here's a simple picture of the corn being grilled as I like to show each part of the cook done on the grill. For this cook the corn and Onion were done on the Genesis while the wings were cooked on the OTP. I took this pic the day before the wing cook late in the afternoon with the sun just over the hedge on the west side of the lawn.


The sauce, which also served as the marinade for the wings is composed of a cup of apricot jam, two tablespoons of Siriacha Sauce, onion powder, olive oil, brown sugar, soy sauce, Jack Daniels, garlic powder, sweet paprika, dijon, kosher salt, pepper, and Worcestershire Sauce. I cooked about 4 pounds of wings, with the end section removed, half marinaded in this sauce and the other half only in EVO with salt and pepper. I did this to provide test a taste difference between the two. Quite honestly, I found only a slight difference in taste between the two. On the grill, the wings in the rear are the one's marinaded in the siriacha sauce as they did gain color from the process. They were cooked in a lower range that ran between 225-250 over a mix of hickory and cherry wood for smoke. This is the wings just going on the grill.


After cooking each side about 25 minutes indirect at a temp in the 225 to 250 range the wings were moved over to finish over the coals. The wings were cooked to about an internal 135-140 degrees before moving over for the "sear". At this time they were sauced with the reserved marinade.


After a few minutes along the process to crisp the skin was speeding along. Flipped and sauced again.


Since I was also using the Genesis to cook the Onion I figured, what the heck, here's the two grill shot, looking west. The pan to fry the onion is just visible on the right side of the Genesis. Using only the burner gives the cook the use of the grill grate to set whatever is needed to cook on the burner.


After the Onion was cut, and flowered it is dipped into a milk and egg mixture and then coated with a seasoned flour mixture, dipped and floured a second time. It is a precise process due to spreading the onion wings open ensuring a good coating on all parts. It is then placed in the fridge for at least 30 minutes before frying. A sauce is made from a mix of mayo, horseradish and other goodies. It was then taken out and fried on the Genesis side burner at 375 degree's until nice and crispy. There are two onions in the pan, though difficult to actually see as they must be submerged to properly cook. I think these are as good or better than the one's found at "that" famous steak restaurant, and certainly much cheaper.


Done and ready to plate.


Plated up with the Avocado Salad, Flowered Onion with dipping sauce, and Apricot/Siriacha Wings.


Another with my wife's choice of beverage. Mine was a bit stronger as I still had that bottle of Jack out.


Thanks for viewing and best of luck to all the contestants with some great posts so far.......................David
Last edited: baby so I took a crack at the challenge. Tough competition again!!

Wings two ways: Teriyaki Maple Glazed and Nuclear Grade Buffalo

Marinated half in garlic, onions, cilatnro, Hatch Chile powder and olive oil the other half I marinated in Wickers

Teriyaka sauce ingredients: Soy, maple syrup, thai chiles, ginger and garlic

Buffalo sauce ingredients: Garlic, onion, habanero, jalapeno, serrano, bottle of crystal, bottle of tobasco, butter, apple cider vinegar, sugar and various dried chiles.

Teriyaka maple glaze. All simmered up and ready to glaze

Buffalo sauce first gets all the veggies softened

Then the rest of the ingredients go in and get reduced then blended for consistency

The marinated wings are dried on ice in a cooler for about 5 hours and then onto the OTS and added some grape vine for a little smoke flavor

Time to make the Blue cheese dressing

Done, seared and ready for sauce!

And plated!

Loved making these...great choice this month and good luck to all!
Everything is looking great. I have a rather large wing cook on Saturday, hopefully I will remember to take pictures of some of them.
here is my entry.

marinated in lemon pepper marinade, some hickory steak marinade and some Wells bbq sauce.

done marinating and sprinkled with famous Dave's rub

on the kettle for 1.5 hours or so.

off the kettle and waiting to get put in fryer

out of the fry daddy

into a plastic container and franks sweet heat bbq sauce to coat.

thanks for looking...
I cant figure how to set the dam thing lol. every time i take pictures it say its Christmas eve 2010. I need to take it to my son and see if he can fix it...
I cant figure how to set the dam thing lol. every time i take pictures it say its Christmas eve 2010. I need to take it to my son and see if he can fix it...

I know most of us men can't do it, but the instruction book might I changed camera's about two years ago, and still dragging out the book, the previous camera was easy, the Cannon, not so much......................d

