This is out of my realm of knowledge need some advice please

Yes, it really does look extra nice.

If you have leftover Silver parts you could also upgrade the side tray(s) to the Genesis look, but it is already a nice grill as is.


Jon, if you are referring to the fold-up tables this will not work. Although they look almost identical the Spirit models did not have the welded on brackets that are required to keep the fold-up tables up. These are some of the small but significant differences between the pre 2006 Genesis and the 2007+ Spirit. Otherwise I think they are mostly identical.
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Thanks Tim, I was thinking of playing around with it and doing some mix and match with Silver b parts and make a frankengrill but when I mentioned it to Barb I got the look that only a wife can give that says "I don't think you're going to put unnecessary money into a grill at this time of the year" We have house insurance, both car insurance, both car license Etc. all due by the end of November. Plus the holidays.

Understand all about the insurance and licensing stuff all hitting! Have you got space to “store” it until spring? Do the conversion to LP after the holidays and realize the profit in spring? Just a suggestion.
Time to make dinner!
Jon, if you are referring to the fold-up tables this will not work. Although they look almost identical the Spirit models did not have the welded on brackets that are required to keep the fold-up tables up. These are some of the small but significant differences between the pre 2006 Genesis and the 2007+ Spirit. Otherwise I think they are mostly identical.

Thanks for the tip. I wouldn’t have thought of that, but it makes sense to save cost which is what the whole Spirit thing seems to have been about. You could, at least, replace the top left table with a Genesis Silver/Gold one that is made of nicer looking material. Still, it looks fine as is.
Thanks for the tip. I wouldn’t have thought of that, but it makes sense to save cost which is what the whole Spirit thing seems to have been about. You could, at least, replace the top left table with a Genesis Silver/Gold one that is made of nicer looking material. Still, it looks fine as is.

Yes it was all about cost savings and converting the old Genesis into low entry Spirit. I wish one could use the newer upper frames from the Spirit to replace older rusted Genesis frames but it will not work for the fold up tables.
Out of curiosity, does that mean the hood from a Spirit of this style would fit a Genesis Silver B/C?


The hood visually looks the same to me.
That grill was free a couple of days ago, no?

Honestly not sure - if it was, I didn't see it.

I'm not in the market for it at $100 - I just saw it and have seen several other Spirits from that era like the one Dave started this thread about - and wondered if the hood would indeed fit a Silver B/C.
I agree fourth of fifth in line:o! It would also fit on the classic 1000 and similar 13 bar firebox grills.
Just discovered today that the manifold is the same on a silver B as the spirit. Now if I can find a LP silver B cheap I'll swap the NG in the spirit with the LP in the silver b. That will make the spirt a lot easier to sell in the spring.

