This is my WSM...


J. Ray Silva

... there are many like it, but this one is mine!


Just got her today... Ready to throw a chicken and some sausage on for its virgin smoke. Got a rack of loin backs for the weekend.

Gotta Go!
She is a beauty, J. Ray!:wsm:

Love the Full Metal Jacket reference.;) And the bottle of beer in the background.

Can't wait to view your upcoming cooks on the new addition!
Smokin' Smokin".. Few cold ones under the belt, temps holding steady for the last hour. Life is beautiful! I feel like one of the boys now.

... there are many like it, but this one is mine!
Neighbor "How do you smoke ribs and brisket?"
Smoker "Easy you just don't heat them as much"

Oh these war movie quotes can go on all night long.
Great looking smoker, and for sure you're going to love how it holds temp.
Ahh.. the helicopter scene. Good stuff.

Your right about how I would like the way it holds temp. Been 3 hours and I haven't deviated more than 14 degrees from the beginning of the cook. The temp dropped a bit, so I rapped the leg with a rubber mallet and the temp came back up.
Yeah Tony,

Bob Bass invited me last Friday. It sounds like a good time but I had already made plans for this weekend getting familiar with the new smoker before he asked me. I do appreciate the heads up though, as I would like to see a competition first hand, plus meet some of the local So. Cal. crew.
Nice smoker , j.Ray , I have an 18 and I love it. I like the brick hearth you made under your smoker ,
Im getting a 22 inch kettle soon and I'm excited to start cooking on that.
j.Ray: Welcome to the WSM family! I researched for about 3 months before deciding on the WSM 18.5. That was about 18 months ago an I have never regretted the decision for one minute. You won't either! I have also not bought bacon from a store or ordered ribs or pulled pork from a restaurant since then. My daughter is hooked on my bacon and (until she graduated in May) would drive home from college (120 miles) to stock up on more bacon and pulled pork. I have two shelves in my freezer dedicated to bacon, ribs and pulled pork.

In the event of an earthquake, volcano or other natural disaster, I'll be living off of bacon and pulled pork. Who cares if the house is destroyed.......
Thanks Frank. Good luck with your new smoker. I see your from Boston. Got some good memories of Boston when I lived on the East Coast. Fenway Park naturally, and all the historical landmarks we saw as kids on class trips.

Then there was the combat zone. Is it still there, or did they clean up that part of town.

