The uncommon built-in Genesis


Jon Tofte

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
I doubt they can get $200 for this thing, but you don't see the built-in version of the x000 Genesis grills very often. It came with the condiment rack similar to, but exactly the same as, the one from the Skyline Series grills.

The big problem with it that I see is that I don’t think there are a lot of people who would see that permanent mount as positive on a smaller grill like a Genesis of that era. Now it’s huge outdoor kitchen setups. That condiment rack is the most interesting item, but you are right Larry that I shouldn’t write off a classic Genesis in that nice condition. I wonder what the story is on it. The seller’s comments don’t seem to jibe with the age of the grill.
IDK but i know if I lived within an easy drive of it I'd be all over it like flies on know. $200? MEH Maybe I would be shooting them starting at $120. It would not be hard to make it into a "cart" type either and for a brand new REAL Genesis? IDK I could be tempted
While I wouldn’t really enjoy the 200 on that, I’d be comfortable. I’ve been thinking about a built-in lately and that would fit the bill perfect. I honestly didn’t even know they made one
Some thoughts. I had my sister go out and cannibalize one of these a couple years ago. She got most of the parts and left the stand.
This grill looks virtually unused. And I don't think it is really a "built in" model. I would call it a Stand alone model. I don't think they were intended to be surrounded by tables cupboards like a true built in grill. I think this grill was intended to be a stationary stand alone grill. That is just my opinion though.
The condiment basket is NOT the same as the Skyline basket. The skyline basket has a couple hooks built into the upper rim to hang accessories on. The built in grills do not have that. Otherwise, they do appear to be identical and most people would not notice the difference anyway.
I don't think these were very good sellers and that is why you rarely see them in the wild. I am guessing that Weber only made them for a couple years.
Notice the difference in the condiment baskets. You can see the three hooks on the front of this photo of Jon's Skyline. But, they are interchangeable.

Yes, I was trying to say “NOT exactly the same” in my original post but left out “NOT.” I didn’t notice until it was too late to edit.

I do think it was the inspiration for the Skyline condiment rack. The front hooks on the Skyline one make more sense to me.
If you didn’t want to keep it as a bolted down setup, you would have to lift that grill off that frame and use a regular Genesis frame. I agree that if not bolted down, the way it us now would result in a quick toppling.

One nice thing about bolting it down as it setup now us that you would have less interference when grilling since you wouldn’t have the lower frame in front of your feet.
I don't see a propane regulator hanging down, I wonder if its NG. that would make more sense for a stand alone grill like this. You mount it permanently as you're not going to be moving it around much if its NG.
If you didn’t want to keep it as a bolted down setup, you would have to lift that grill off that frame and use a regular Genesis frame. I agree that if not bolted down, the way it us now would result in a quick toppling.

One nice thing about bolting it down as it setup now us that you would have less interference when grilling since you wouldn’t have the lower frame in front of your feet.
Could also be used if someone is in a wheelchair, handicap accessible?
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i see that Jon was able to make use of the "double ended" feature of the condiment rack when he moved it from its normal position to put in a RH drop down table. Well done!
i see that Jon was able to make use of the "double ended" feature of the condiment rack when he moved it from its normal position to put in a RH drop down table. Well done!
I added an angle piece on the left to hold the other end of the condiment rack and allow me to use the flip up table on the right where the rack usually would go. I was trying to do a lot on that one grill!



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That is a really nice find. Interesting how they chopped the regular frame (cut the legs off). That way they could mount all of the parts just as a regular grill has. I bet the grill was intended to be "built in" up to the leg stumps, hiding all of the klugey metalwork for the new "legs". The new "legs" are set inboard quite far from the front and back, allowing them to be inside of whatever cabinetry (or brickwork) the builder would provide.

This has got to be a pretty rare find. If it were closer by I would be in big TROUBLE for sure. It really looks brand new!

