The Humor Thread

He was a very funny man. A class act. Funny without being filthy. I was introduced to him MANY years ago on WGN radio. My parents listened to Eddie Hubbard and then Wally Phillips. Both men would have these "call ins" from Newhart and it was so dead pan. You would think they were actual "call ins" then the jokes would begin. You never knew when they would take place.
Our house in Washington came with an old rotary phone.
I put 867-5309 in the center of the dial as a joke for the number.
Fast forward 6-7 months later my daughter was renting part of the house.
She comes up to me very pissy and says “think you’re funny huh?”.
Turns out she was giving that number out to people, getting laughed and didn’t know why.
It took her a half year to figure it out.
Our house in Washington came with an old rotary phone.
I put 867-5309 in the center of the dial as a joke for the number.
Fast forward 6-7 months later my daughter was renting part of the house.
She comes up to me very pissy and says “think you’re funny huh?”.
Turns out she was giving that number out to people, getting laughed and didn’t know why.
It took her a half year to figure it out.
PLEASE tell us your daughter's name is Jenny. :D
Par for the coarse.

Once I had filled 2 or 3 coffee cans with stray hardware, mostly scavenged from components we were replacing, I'd do a cursory check to sort out things I thought might come in handy and toss the rest as scrap. It seems that once the scrap was gone, I'd need things I know were recently tossed. Finally decided that digging through coffee cans wasted too many otherwise billable hours.

