The Humor Thread

Know who G&R is even enjoy some of their "stuff". But, not in all the get up and hat he mostly looks like an average weirdo to me. There are very few artists I think many people would recognize on sight if not in their "element"
Once years ago was at a Tim Weissburg concert. (a jazz flautist). Unknown to our group it was his birthday that day. While in line a small unassuming guy with a guitar case came behind my group of friends, and politely asked us to let him through. We sort of shrugged assuming it was part of his band. Well concert started and this person was nowhere to be seen on stage.
Just sat there enjoying and we all kind of shrugged it off until one of his band members announced it was his b/day and they had a special gift for him. From what looked like a stage speaker out popped the little guy with the guitar. It was Dan Fogelberg. The two were great friends and had collaborated on some music together in each other's albums. Who knew?
Same thing happened not too long after that I was dating a music teacher, and my now late sister who like me has a pretty wide range of music taste and was then living on the Gold Coast , had heard of a long time folk artist named Bob Gibson (from Chicago no less), had opened up a new music venue called Hobson's Choice on the near north side. And she suggested we go. As I enjoyed his music as did my girlfriend and of course my sister, We went down to her condo picked her up and the 3 of us went there. Expecting long lines and such. We walked in, there was a bartender, and one man sitting at the bar. Confused, my sister asked the bartender if we got the date wrong to see Bob Gibson, well the guy perked up and said "that's me". So then he says to the bar tender hey, bring my dinner to this table and invites us to have supper with him. So we all sat around like old friends, people started coming in, he said "when you folks finish come to the table right in front of the stage". So we had a wonderful time with him. A very gracious person. My girlfriend even asked him afterward, if she could have him come to her grade school music class as she was just beginning to teach her kids about folk music. He did, asked nothing for it (except for a donation to a charity he liked in Chicago). He showed up with his big Gibson 12 String, and entertained those children. It was amazing.
He stayed friends with us all, recognizing us every time we attended his shows. Always spoke with us. He sadly passed from a rare brain disorder.
But so funny how you can be right next to someone and not know it. That same sister even had a brush with Sean Connery and Kevin Costner at a place in Chicago. She was out with friends, crowded Lettuce Entertain You rest, and someone behind her, got up, shoved his chair into hers and then knocked her head with his elbow. She was ready to let him have it, and the man said "oh I am sho shorry dear" and rubbed her head she looks up at Sean Connery of all people. They were having a dinner meeting with the people filming The Untouchables. Go figure LOL
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