Bryan Mayland
TVWBB Hall of Fame
-- Worked on splitting the CSS from the HTML on the home page to allow easy overriding of the theme. I think there will also be a sort of file manager so you can upload your own background image or whatnot but I think that might be overkill vs just having a "background image" config item.
-- Fixed a couple bugs in the derivative control that were introduced last week.
-- Did 6 hour test burn to compare thermocouple output with values measured with a real thermocouple-reading device. Readings are within 2F, which is pretty good because the AD8495 has a 1.8F error tolerance.
-- I measured center of {A} grill (with heat diffuser) vs {B} dome vs {C} BGE thermometer-level (control) to see what the differences were. Over the 6 hour test, {B} was commonly lowest, followed by {A}. Max disparity {A}211F {B}215F {C}225F. Common disparity {A}220F {B}218F {C}225F. The {A} was not always cooler, but it was more commonly cooler. Max {A}231F {B}228F {C}225F.
BAD NEWS in my testing last night I was able to "out noise" the thermocouple probe by touching the braid. This is perplexing to me because I thought all these problems were gone. This occurred with both the Auber "washer probe" and $5 Amazon probe. The Thermoworks industrial probe was fine (its braid isn't conductive). It occurred to me that this is the first time I've tried it barefooted on the concrete so I put shoes on and the problem was gone. Also if I stand on a floor mat when touching it, the problem goes away. This might also be an interaction with the fact that the plug as a GFCI but I don't think so. I'm going to mess around with the probe grounding again tonight to see if I can eliminate it.
-- Fixed a couple bugs in the derivative control that were introduced last week.
-- Did 6 hour test burn to compare thermocouple output with values measured with a real thermocouple-reading device. Readings are within 2F, which is pretty good because the AD8495 has a 1.8F error tolerance.
-- I measured center of {A} grill (with heat diffuser) vs {B} dome vs {C} BGE thermometer-level (control) to see what the differences were. Over the 6 hour test, {B} was commonly lowest, followed by {A}. Max disparity {A}211F {B}215F {C}225F. Common disparity {A}220F {B}218F {C}225F. The {A} was not always cooler, but it was more commonly cooler. Max {A}231F {B}228F {C}225F.
BAD NEWS in my testing last night I was able to "out noise" the thermocouple probe by touching the braid. This is perplexing to me because I thought all these problems were gone. This occurred with both the Auber "washer probe" and $5 Amazon probe. The Thermoworks industrial probe was fine (its braid isn't conductive). It occurred to me that this is the first time I've tried it barefooted on the concrete so I put shoes on and the problem was gone. Also if I stand on a floor mat when touching it, the problem goes away. This might also be an interaction with the fact that the plug as a GFCI but I don't think so. I'm going to mess around with the probe grounding again tonight to see if I can eliminate it.