The Chicken on the grill goes round and round...


Brian Dahl

TVWBB Gold Member
Hi Gang! I picked up a chicken the other day, it got warm today - that's all I need to to decide on rotisserie chicken. Here she is: skewered, bound and dusted with Pig Salt's Bar B Que rub. I'm outta Bone Dust, I need to mix up a batch. Cindy's been asking for it.

I made some tall, skinny, vegetable bacon wraps. They contain asparagus, garlic spears and quartered young onion. Tied with blanched onion tops that I made into strips. Also, I hit the lottery: when I was cleaning the chicken, I found liver! That hasn't happened in awhile. Prepped (chopped slice o' bacon, onion and garlic) liver pot on the right

Here's a short video of the roti in action: Rotisserie an action

veggie wraps and liver on

everybody off

for your consideration

The slaw was left over for Friday's tacos. It all turned out nicely.
Non meal related pic: the garden gate I lashed together last weekend.

Thanks for stopping by, see ya next time!
Great color on that chicken Brian, and I really like the veggies wrapped in bacon. Beautiful plate....nicely done neighbor.
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Great looking meal, Brian. The garden is great too. We have a real deer problem here so gardens can be a real problem, for me, not the deer.
Nice color on that chicken!
Love all your vegetarian sides Brian, always looks very healthy.
The garden gate is like a fairy tale:)
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That's just one great looking meal and great pictures too! That garden gate is cool although my two Goldens if the saw a lizard in that garden would take that gate apart faster then you could blink:)
Great looking dinner, really like the looks of those veggie packs you made and very cool garden gate too!!!
That's just one great looking meal and great pictures too! That garden gate is cool although my two Goldens if the saw a lizard in that garden would take that gate apart faster then you could blink:)

I don't doubt it, Rich. Lucy is 14 this year. Blockades she would just walk through will now stop her with a touch on her nose. She wouldn't have hesitated of jumping/knocking over that lattice panel.

