The Adventure Begins...


Jon Tofte

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
Circumstances at one of my remote jobs required that I make an unplanned trip to Florida. So, I decided this was the time to bring back all my yard equipment, tools I hadn’t been able to bring, and, mostly, tons of grill parts and grill projects. Also included was retrieving my Rec Tec pellet grill. (They are now “Recteq” as they got into issues with their name vs. the grill company TEC that makes all stainless infrared grills. I actually flipped one of those pretty successfully.) I got a one-way plane flight and bit the bullet to rent a truck.

Anyway, yesterday and much of today was spent packing, repacking and disassembling stuff for the long trip back to Indiana in a very full 16-foot Budget rental truck. I set out today about 6:00PM and made it to northern Florida. Long trip ahead and then unloading. My shed isn’t ready so my wife is going to enjoy 😉 a lot of grill junk being added to our still unfinished unpacking in the garage! Wow. My main prayer is just to make this trip safely.

I will post pictures of the start when I can. I can’t seem to get my iPhone to do that.
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Here are 4 of our campus maintenance guys hoisting my very heavy Lynx grill. Another unfinished dream. I hope finally having a real shop - not huge but adequate - will finally help me get stuff DONE!
Glad that things are progressing, just be safe! Take your time and don’t drive too late. You will be dealing with quite a bit of rain from the look of it.
Quite the adventure there my friend. Refresh my memory........What was the deal with that Lynx? What is it in need of and such?
Wow Jon, I didn't realize you had left behind such a big haul. Good luck with that and I am glad you've got some help loading.
It is supposed to hit almost 80 up here today, so you are missing the last gasp of what they used to call "Indian Summer". But it should still be pretty darn nice when you do get up here.
Take care with the drive and I am looking forward to some more photos when you get it all back up here and "put away".
16 or so. But stopping for gas

It was exactly 1100 miles. I drove 250 to Gainesville FL the first night and the rest of the remaining 850 on Friday. A Budget truck wouldn’t be your first choice for making time. At 9 miles per gallon it likes to visit gas stations😬. Also ran into bad road construction and traffic snarls going through Chattanooga. I started out at 7:15AM and scraped home last night at 11:30PM. Longest solo drive I have ever made. No long stops. Just very thankful for answered prayers for safety and holding the creaky old truck together!

I haven’t gone out to open the door yet. I heard a few clunks along the way😲, so we will see soon what made it and what didn’t.
It was exactly 1100 miles. I drove 250 to Gainesville FL the first night and the rest of the remaining 850 on Friday. A Budget truck wouldn’t be your first choice for making time. At 9 miles per gallon it likes to visit gas stations😬. Also ran into bad road construction and traffic snarls going through Chattanooga. I started out at 7:15AM and scraped home last night at 11:30PM. Longest solo drive I have ever made. No long stops. Just very thankful for answered prayers for safety and holding the creaky old truck together!

I haven’t gone out to open the door yet. I heard a few clunks along the way😲, so we will see soon what made it and what didn’t.
The best part is, You made it! 👍
So, today was many hours of unloading and then trying to place all the stuff I brought back. My shop isn't finished, but I did my best.

The scenery is a little different than in Florida. It was actually a little warm in the afternoon here in Indiana, but sure nothing like Florida.
Part Way Unloaded.jpeg
Moving Along.jpeg

Almost there.JPEG

My lazy cat, who came with our house:), didn't help at all. His coloring definitely fits with fall, though:

Lazy Cat.jpeg

