The Adventure Begins...

So glad you made it. Long drives are too hard for me now. Wow 9 mpg. Ooph 123 gallons wow. That is tough. I was actually joking about all the propane stops...
Again glad you made it and are whole again. Good luck with the workshop. That cat is hilarious. Cats. Just remember if your cat could talk, they wouldn't. If they could help, they wouldn't, if they were slightly bigger they would kill you. Its a privilege to be own by a cat.
Nice you see you made it back safely.
Your dream is getting really close to reality now.
Question- out of all the rehab projects you brought
back, which one will you be completing first?
First project is the Genesis Jr. Bruce gave me. Then probably a Genesis x000 to sell (or hold for the winter). Then see what I can do on the double Broilmaster. It will require some finagling since it is a size Broilmaster no longer makes or supplies grates for.

Mostly this winter I want to organize and prepare parts. I figure there is a lot of sanding and cleaning/painting of small items that I can accomplish even after it gets cold. I also want to build shelves and bins in my shed, and that, too, can be done in cold weather using a space heater. The guy I bought the house from kept tortoises in the shed and heated it 24/7 all winter! He added some insulation to the ceiling. I just want to make it tolerable inside on a Saturday or weeknight.
Glad you made it back to your "new" Home safe and sound, that's a lot of traveling.

Waiting to see how your Junior turns out, keep us posted with pic's along the way.

Glad you made it back to your "new" Home safe and sound, that's a lot of traveling.

Waiting to see how your Junior turns out, keep us posted with pic's along the way.

Looking forward to doing that! I mentioned elsewhere that this coming year will be my last stand. I finally have room to work and certainly more inventory than you can shake a hundred sticks at. So, no more excuses (other than too many real jobs). I was especially happy that I unloaded that truck without putting a lot into my workshop shed. Stay tuned for further developments...
You and Bruce could combine your old parts stock and fill up a hardware store sized store for sure. Impressive collection!
Your wife must really love you!

Good to hear you made it back with no truck issues. Looking forward to seeing some of your completed projects and "This Old Grill" videos.
Happy to hear that the drive was no more than long, dull drives like that are just fine. Uneventful is not always a bad thing. Now, the sorting and stacking portion of the move begins! Stay safe.

