That feeling when you know what is about to happen next will be amazing....

No, Jeff, that was not the thread, but as usual, your solution is simpler and more elegant than what I had in mind.

I never woulda thunk threaded square tube inserts were a thing. Just ordered off McMaster.

I owe you a beer!

Which part number did you use at McMaster?
Yah, that is a grate piece of info. Thanks. It could be the saving grace for many a weber frame.
Figured I'd post up some pics of the the square tube nuts that I have. I also picked up that Fourney 1"X1" square tube today.The tube nuts are a little different looking than the ones Xavier ordered from McMaster but they'll both accomplish the same thing.

Here is the tube length without the tube nut installed-


With the tube nut installed-


A shot of the top side and underside of the tube nuts on the square tubing-


The actual thickness of the tube nut-



I can recommend this option as a solution for anyone, expecially since Jeff's guy fell off Ebay.

These look almost exactly the same and are sent with all the love you have come to expect from McMaster.





Think of how many Weber Grills will be saved from the local scrapyard with this simple as well as inexpensive fix.

Xavier and Jeff, thanks for the pics and the part numbers regarding the square tubing and the threaded inserts.

-Discovered the lx horizontal frame bottom bars have the end cap boltholes rusted out (the ones IN the tube ends, bars themselves are fine), so now that's on hold

I am currently rehabbing a Genesis 1000 with the rusty cross frame AND its horizontal frame bars also have the end cap boltholes rusted out.

It just happens that McMaster 2417t27 inserts are also great for the lower horizontal frame bars.

The ones I ordered were 2417T27.

As for the cross frame piece, I cut off the rusted section with a hacksaw this evening. I'm using a 1.25" square tubing section from a Genesis grill frame that I sent to the crusher earlier this summer (I kept one of the lower frame pieces).

McMaster also sells 1.25" square tubing threaded inserts that uses 1/4-20 threads: 2417T61

Here's a mock-up of how the scavenged frame piece looks like on my Genesis 1000 frame (sorry for the poor lighting):


Here's a 2nd mockup:


I need to do some additional grinding for that replacement piece to fit well, but it's going to look nearly factory when it's all done.

If anyone wants a new piece of 1.25" square tubing for the cross frame piece, Home Depot sells a 6-foot section for $25, and Forney sells a 3-ft section too for about the same price, part number 49529.
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Hi everyone

It took me a bit longer to wrap up my honeydo list, but I finally got clearance from the tower to start Weber work (real work). The thing is, since the original post, I have accumulated more grills!

Here's the brief update:

-Cooked on the better Skyline with the CI grates in it's original state

-Ordered all replacement ss hardware and RCPlaneBuyer flavorizers / grates for when I got ok to weber

-Picked up a Silver A blacktop

-Picked up a Silver C burgundy top

-Picked up another Skyline, stripped for parts, dumped frame and firebox

-Picked up ANOTHER Skyline, refurbed it 70% of the way as practice, gave it to friends who just moved here and had no grill for the Memorial Day BBQ they were hosting

-Sold the first Skyline with a bit of fix up to a buddy who fully caught the bug and went full RCPlaneBuyer on it

-Picked up a 2000lx with all the durawood (!) that I decided I want for the keeper, will keep a skyline lid because I like the logo

-Discovered the lx horizontal frame bottom bars have the end cap boltholes rusted out (the ones IN the tube ends, bars themselves are fine), so now that's on hold

-Got commitment from a co-worker that he wants to buy the Silver A

So that's where I am at. Wife is NOT AMUSED with the amount of grills / grill parts in our side / backyard. She doesn't understand that we NEED THEM.

Current task is good enough rehab of the Silver A to sell. Then it's component resto on keeper parts while I look for another 2000 frame or find someone who can weld me in some nuts - saw that option on a thread here.

Being able to make forward progress with bits and pieces toward the end goal (full manifold / valve teardown - thanks Chris! - tank scale disassemble / repaint) has slaked my thirst as I molt into my final form.

I do promise to post pics once I have all parts in hand for the final keeper!

Xavier, I found this older post and cracked up laughing. I had to explain my laughter to my wife, but she is also not amused by my grill restoration addiction :(. I am working on getting Skyline parts to do a custom version restore, so I was wondering if you have had time to make any progress with your Skylines. If so, would love to see some pictures!
Hello Fellow Afflicted-


I have the LX frame totally redone to where I am happy with it. I spent longer than I care to admit blasting out the firebox with wire wheel, only to discover on my completion that the ear that receives the hinge pin is BROKEN (!).

Oh Em Gee. So much for those noisy hours.

I decided to drop in my RC grates and flavorizers and use it anyway until I get an appetite to burn some more time cleaning out another. I just had a baby so any spare time I get is for naps for the forseeable future.

Here she is, with the Skyline lid:


RCPlaneBuyer 13 ct flavorizer bars and 3/8" rod grates. If you love yourself (and you do), you owe it to yourself to save up or whatever you need to do to have these in your life. They are top shelf quality, and absolutely worth the $200 you will drop on the whole set.


Here are the grates in action. They get a nice flavo-patina, so I'm glad I snapped the shot of the initial install:


So, on the keeper:

- totally stripped, sanded and rebuilt 2000 frame with new threaded endcap inserts
- fresh paint all frame
- new casters
- new wheels
- new ignition
- new knobs
- toredown / rebuilt gas train

To Do:
- clean out different firebox and swap in
- refresh Weber emblem
- maybe replace durawood with dark stained wood
- rebuild and install good tank scale
- teardown and paint new firebox and endcaps of keeper lid

Oh! On the topic of keeper lid -

Today was a good Craigslist day in Denver. I picked up not one but TWO freebie grills. A 1000 Genesis NatGas Redhead and another propane Silver A. Since I don't want to get divorced I left them at work until I can process them.

The NatGas redhead is pretty busted, but the main bits are definitely serviceable. The Silver A is pristine, and even came with a cover and a full tank!

I have been on the HUNT for a redhead lid for years, as my back neighbors' 1000 stares at me every time I am at the kitchen window. I like the idea of keeping the redhead lid and one Skyline lid to suit my fancy. I mean, you have more than one pair of shoes, don't you? DON'T YOU?!?!? And it was YESterday that my buddy who just moved here was saying he wanted me to help him source a NatGas Genesis. Knock, and the door truly shall be opened!

So, I'll poach the red lid and swap it for an extra Skyline I have, then that unit goes to buddy. I'll poach the Silver A tank scale, and with minimal work that one gets flipped.

That's where I am at! I'll post more as I get along, but it'll probly be a bit into the summer yet.

Grill on Y'all

I want a description of how good those steaks were, like you talked about in your first post on here!
What is with that strange perforated bracket at the back and the shiny looking back of the fire box?


I think the shiny back is just that he got the aluminum totally clean and smooth. The perforated box looks like a wood chip smoker box to me.
Hello Fellow Afflicted-
Oh! On the topic of keeper lid -

Today was a good Craigslist day in Denver. I picked up not one but TWO freebie grills. A 1000 Genesis NatGas Redhead and another propane Silver A. Since I don't want to get divorced I left them at work until I can process them.

The NatGas redhead is pretty busted, but the main bits are definitely serviceable. The Silver A is pristine, and even came with a cover and a full tank!

I have been on the HUNT for a redhead lid for years, as my back neighbors' 1000 stares at me every time I am at the kitchen window. I like the idea of keeping the redhead lid and one Skyline lid to suit my fancy. I mean, you have more than one pair of shoes, don't you? DON'T YOU?!?!? And it was YESterday that my buddy who just moved here was saying he wanted me to help him source a NatGas Genesis. Knock, and the door truly shall be opened!

So, I'll poach the red lid and swap it for an extra Skyline I have, then that unit goes to buddy. I'll poach the Silver A tank scale, and with minimal work that one gets flipped.


Your posts are a blast to read, especially on the last day of tax season! I laugh because I have left a grill at work because I didn't want to bring it home, too. And, yes, I think you DO need AT LEAST 2 pairs of shoes - and grills, too!

Maybe we can work out a swap of one of my red hoods for your Skyline hood!


