Thank you


Larry Fry

New member
To all of the posters that have taken the time to take pictures of your restorations, rebuilds and refurb projects. Been a lurker here for awhile - got my first RedHead quite a number of years ago. This is my new RedHead - $21 at the auction. My old RedHead (which I picked up from a curb and was free) will be a donor as it has new burner tubes, new manifold, new hose but it's missing some parts (starter, a knob, most of the bottom which is why the legs are splaying out, etc...). The new one has a porcelain drip tray vs. an aluminum one on the old. The new one has all of it's trays - and it's a 13 bar vs. the 5 on the old (I'm hoping for a little more even heat). I broke a wheel getting it here so there's that replacement that needs to happen but again - now I have a link for the replacement. You guys that take the time to document your adventures make it easy to find parts... get answers... and make you feel pretty confident that 'I can do this'. Thanks.



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Well, abandon all hope as you will not ever be able to pass a grill sitting at the curb for the rest of your life! The folks here are such benevolent villains when it comes to helping you get your new found Genesis in factory fresh condition. The problem will come when you get this one finished and you turn around and see that you’ve managed to tuck three or four others away in your garage that you just can’t wait to get to get cleaned up and enjoy!
Hi, I’m Tim and I have Weberitis.
Like Tim said it sounds like you now have Weberitis. Some say it's incurable, I disagree after bringing home and flipping or restoring for my collection over 30 grills I was cured with only one consultation. My wonderful wife of 40 years Barb finally told me one day "You bring home one more grill you better be able to sleep in it". That was over three years ago and I haven't brought another grill home, so as you can see it is curable.

Looking forward to see your restoration.
No Rich, you’ve still got it, it’s merely in “spousal remission”.
Another facet of the malady, sometimes a frustrating one but, it MUST be endured. It’s really just a small thing.
No Rich, you’ve still got it, it’s merely in “spousal remission”.
Another facet of the malady, sometimes a frustrating one but, it MUST be endured. It’s really just a small thing.
That may be true, but I have to say I don't miss the filthy mess of restorations.
I do have my 1985 chocolate Gen 2 covered up and waiting for the ridiculous price of lumber to go down so I can get that restored. I think Barb forgot about that being out in the back yard covered up like all the others.;)
I get it Rich, I’m not doing another restoration but, I will need to do some maintenance. I’m considering having a cousin (talented welder) make me a stainless steel frame for the Genny. One project and I will rebuilt it according to proper design one last time.
.................My wonderful wife of 40 years Barb finally told me one day "You bring home one more grill you better be able to sleep in it"........................
I've seen quite a few large offsets that one could crash-out in quite comfortably. Just sayin'. :rolleyes:
Larry, (love your name, was my father's and my brother) it took you 3 years to introduce yourself, but you finally did it. lol

Wow she looks almost like a peach as-is. Same model I’ve got, but the wood looks way better than mine. Definitely share some pics!
Like Tim said it sounds like you now have Weberitis. Some say it's incurable, I disagree after bringing home and flipping or restoring for my collection over 30 grills I was cured with only one consultation. My wonderful wife of 40 years Barb finally told me one day "You bring home one more grill you better be able to sleep in it". That was over three years ago and I haven't brought another grill home, so as you can see it is curable.

Looking forward to see your restoration.
So what you're saying is you keep them off site now? 🤣😂🤣😂
Larry if you get around to posting more pics. Use the portrait icon next to the 3 dots and drop them in, and they will show up bigger and better. Like this....

Wow - so it's been a few years. Update on the above grill - I refurbished it - and have used it almost daily for three years - until tonight. I live in high desert and it's been a scorcher this summer - and my grill now (in the heat) won't get over about 245. In the early morning when temps are below 100 it works fine. Anyway - it's been three years so it's going to get another refurbish including new bars and grates this time and I'll have a chance to clean the burners up and make it shiny again. And... I've finally retired so - tomorrow is just as good as any other day to start! I'll post pictures this time around. The grill still looks great and cooks great. I'm convinced that the deteriorated bars are allowing some greasy gunk (technical term) down to the burners and they are simply not as open as they once were. I'll post some shots also of this grill's new stable. Thanks for all the comments - enjoyed reading through them. Oh - and I'll be buying from RCPlaneBuyer off of Craigslist (which was the reason I was looking again at this forum). Cheers!

