Well, I ventured on again this weekend. Pork spare Ribs, St Louis style. Better results but the opposite problem. I think my initial problem with not getting enough heat was being so worried about temps being too high or running out of fuel, I just didn't use enough KBB. So, this time I poured about 7/8 of a chimney ( 70 briquettes) of KBB in and then got another 35 started in the chimney. Let them get good and hot and poured them on top of the others. Left the body of the smoker off until they were going well, then put everything together. It was real hot at the beginning, around 280 but then it cooled off in a hurry, down to about 210. I had asked my girl to fetch me the water for the water pan and never thought to tell her to get HOT water. So I boiled some water, disassembled the body, took out the water pan, dumped it, and filled it with boiling water. That worked well, for a while. I adjusted the dampers and for about 1 1/2 hours the tempo stayed in the 225-235 range. Fine. Later I was surprised to see the temp started rising and it got up to 360. I guess the accumulation of all the charcoal being ignited caused that. It surprised me because I expected the temperature to go down. Anyway, I managed to stabilize it again and after about 3 1/2 hours I foiled the ribs along with some butter, honey, and brown sugar and returned them to the cooker for about another 90 minutes. Then removed the foil slathered it with BBQ sauce and returned to the grill for 15 minutes until carmelized. They came out good, but I know that I need to work at this (Work Hell, This is FUN!) to get them to be great. Since a had the 14" WSM I had to use a rack so the ribs weren't flat. So, I just ordered an 18" from the BBQ guys. Damn! Just thought about I should have taken a picture of the finished product. Bark seemed pretty good (which means by my definition it was ok but could be a lot better), they glazed nice, were tender and tasted good. Next weekend it'd going to be a whole chicken, butterflied. I'm thinking that i don't use water for that and want a higher heat to get the skin nice and crispy.