Hawk Redhawk
TVWBB Member
First attempt. Cooking several chicken quarters with 14.5 WSM. Minion Method ( which I now realize I would have been better served using the standard method). I put a chimney full of KBB into the charcoal grate, scooped out the middle and added about 1/2 chimney hot coals and then added 3 dampened wood chunks. Filled the water pan, added the quarters, put the lid on. All vents including the top wide open. Hot day, no wind. My temperature never rose over 200 degrees. Had the quarters in there for about 3 hours, the internal temp of the meat got to 150. and the grill temp started to go down. Took the quarters out and finished on the charcoal grill (Yummy). Later when the WSM had cooled and I disassembled it, approximately 60% of the charcoal had not burned. I'm wondering if it was stacked so high that the water pan smothered it. Does that make sense or does anyone have any other possibilities to offer? Thanks