temp descrepancy, BIG one



New member
ok, first time using my maverick..

Its saying grill level is 235ish.. the one embedded in the dome says its 170ish..

1. Yes, I know the ones in the domes are crap, but 60 degrees off???

2. First use of the maverick, could it be off a little bit itself?
I've bought a Stoker and have used it a few times...and what I've noticed using it is that the temperature on the grate and the temperature on the lid thermometer are anywhere from 0-75 degrees off...I've been at 350 on the great and it read 275 on the lid therm...

I think you're good...
LMAO! My problem this morning is that my dome temp is 255 and my Maverick temp is 212. I know, bass-akwards but not sure why this is happening. I can understand the dome temp being lower but really confused on why mine is the opposite.
BTW, I have the probe hanging below the bottom rack, sand in the water pan.

Lee, its actually hotter up top , as heat rises. I expected my mav to read a few degrees cooler down at rack level vs. dome.. I'm surprised to see it so much higher.

Still trying to get my vents just right. up to 262 according to mav.. little warmer than I want to be.. I adjusted them closed slightly a few minutes ago, so it still may make the swing down
actually, normally the grate temp is higher than the dome temp...the grate is closer to the fire than the dome..AND the dome therm is not in the heat path
Are we forgetting it take energy (heat) to cook whatever meat you have on you grate ? Some of the energy (heat) developed during the charcoal burn transfers to whatever you are cooking while the remainder goes up the stack. Less heat energy = lower temperature.
I have found the temp on the dome thermometer to read both higher and lower at times.

Heat rises so you would think it would always read hotter, but I think it has a lot to do with position of the food, type of food, temp of food,etc. Too many variables. I would go with the maverick set at grate level but not right next to whatever you are cooking
Yesterday, my dome temp read 140° -- with no fire inside. It was over 90° outside and the WSM was in the sun. The Weber dome thermometer seems to be very sensitive to ambient temp. Cooking in the shade in winter, it will read way less than the grate. Out in the sun in the summer, it may read hotter than the grate. Grate temp will vary due to placement, but if you try to keep it away from the edge and not too close to the meat, it's quite reliable. BTW, I just got the iGrill2. Awesome.
Here are a few observations I've made with my WSM 22 and a Maverick grill temp vs. dome.

Sunny and air temp +60ish degrees (no wind): Dome +35-50ish
No sun (cloudy or night time reasonable Chicago temp 50+ degrees): Dome and maverick pretty close to one another.
Cold day (35 degrees or lower): Dome temp -35-50ish

Basically, my dome temp seems to be greatly affected by air temp and direct sun.
I use the Maverick 733. It and the dome start pretty much the same. As the temperature goes up the discrepancy between the two gets bigger and bigger.
I always thought the lid thermometer should be the same level as the grate. Why put it at the top?

I bet after you use the Maverick a few times, you'll never look at your dome thermometer again.

