Tasty Pork Steaks


Jim Lampe

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
The best i've cooked in a while...
seasoned a little with Blues Hog then topped it off with a citrus rub


used less than a half chimney of lit kingsford on top of very few nearly gone burnt out pieces of nothing used kingsford :D
got the dome temp of the 26" OTG to hold at 300ºF and cooked these steaks for 1.5 hours.


again, baby small Yukons for the ride.
as the August sun sets, we're thanking Him for another fine day and soon to be fine dinner!


the last few minutes, i mixed the last of Maull's Jalapeno sauce with the last of the Bone-Sucking sauce...
then (over)glazed the pork.


Taters cooked.


and fresh-picked from liz' garden, pole beans, sautéed and served up with the Yukons (with green salsa) and tonight's prize.


Very tasty pork steaks! Could be the twelve hour bath they took in WICKERS marinade...
could be the citrus rub in combo with the Blues Hog...
I'm not really sure. I am sure it was daggumgoodandtasty and i wish i had another one :p

Thank you for visiting! So Long!

Your pork steaks and taters look fantastic, Jim. Details and procedures, down to the long Wickers bath are much appreciated. :)
Nice looking PS Jim.

Mike you may see them labeled as shoulder chops. I get them from the butcher so I can get them cut thick, the ones I find around here in the grocery stores are usually pretty thin.
Taters looks divine! But the plate is not complete without that tasty looking Steak! Another homerun buddy!
w0w, thank you everyone:)
Jon, they were big... at least one inch thick, Mike, I buy from a meat processing plant and ordered as pork steaks. I believe the store packaging does say PORK STEAKS. Bob, I don't think i've ever seen them HERE marked as anything else but pork steaks.
Thanks again!
Home run?
Grand Slam?
Heck, you just won the Pork Steak World Series!
You do 'em picture perfect, with perfect pictures of 'em James!

