Sunday Snack



TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
Pork Belly Burnt Ends. Anne's Pork Belly thread go me thinking and Costco had sliced Pork Belly strips. Some of the strips are curing as we speak, so of the strips will be ground up with some Tri-Tip for homemade burgers and one strip was used for this cook

I put the rub on yesterday when we got home from Costco


I made up a baste:

Apple Juice
Spiced Rum
Brown Sugar
Stubbs Pork rub (just a shake or two for the baste)

On they go


Wanted to cook them at 225, but the Akorn decided to run nothing south of 300, so this gig was up in about 75 minutes



All done


Very tasty


Thanks Anne for the inspiration :)
That's a great idea that Anne had. Yours look great also, think I'll give it a try. I mix ground pork shoulder and ground cross rib roast for my burgers but I also like the idea of some pork belly and cross rib roast.
Chuck, I saw those sliced Pork Belly strips at Costco last weekend and almost bought them. Yours look tasty.
Never tried them before, how do you cure them? Method etc.. Thanks.
Chuck, I saw those sliced Pork Belly strips at Costco last weekend and almost bought them. Yours look tasty. Never tried them before, how do you cure them? Method etc.. Thanks.
The strip in this thread isn't cured, nor will be the ones that will be ground with Tri-Tip. The ones I am curing are done so by this thread, probably the greatest thread on this forum

Because they are strips, the bacon that will come from them will likely be "bacon chunks." (each strip sliced in 1/4" chunks) I figure 40 chunks per strip, give or take
Those pork belly burnt ends are killer. I'd snack on those and the rum... even if it wasn't a Sunday.
Those burnt ends looks mighty tasty Chuck. Going to have to get Rich to do some for us.

