Sunday Ribs


Kim Drana

TVWBB All-Star
Took a rack of ribs out of the freezer and fired up the performer. The sun was out and a whole 19 F outside:

The farmer next door cows eating and the milk truck picking up the milk:

Lucy in the snow and enjoying the sun

Ribs plated with bakes beans and mashed califlower:

Thanks for stopping!
That's the great thing about the kettle, anytime, anywhere, any temp. Nice job on the ribs. Comfort food on a cold day.
Great looking meal and pictures Kim!! All looks great except that 19 degree thing!!! Thank goodness Lucy has her coat on!
great post!!

such beautiful wisconsin blue skies...
a wonderful dog/companion by your side...
and a delicious prepared dinner by an outstanding cook...

life does not get better than this. VeryNice Kim!
you musta had a couple warmish days like us....the patio melted pretty nice !
great looking ribs and sides. picture perfect got a nice spot there.

