Sunday night football

That sucks that Peyton is maybe done for this year and prolly his career.
I would have liked to see how it played out Sunday.

That sucks that Peyton is maybe done for this year and prolly his career.
I would have liked to see how it played out Sunday.


Yea, it does suck that Peyton hurt right now. Actually he has battled this foot injury since July. That explains a lot with what has been going on all year with him. We get to see our future QB this Sunday morning in Chicago against our old coach Foxy. This should be interesting and entertaining, can't wait. I see Peyton missing 4 games. Then trying to get back. mean while has anyone been watching my second favorite team the Vikings? If Bridgewater gets a little better they will take that division from the Packers. AP is awesome. Defense is up & coming. Enjoy your NFL Sunday. See ya next week. And have a great week too.
That was a good game. It's been awhile since we've played a close game like that. It made the free Dunkins this morning taste even better.

Hey neighbor! What a game huh! It wasn't spectacular but it was as close as it gets, decided with 1 second left - wow!
And beating a New York team is always extra special! lol ;-)
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enjoy your warm weather wins Broncos fans! The cold, and the Manning/meaningless era are just around the corner..

I think Bronco fans enjoyed the Peyton era..... If they could win the super bowl with Peyton I think they will be OK with brock!
glad cuz the jerk from Carolina lost...
all words, no guts.


dab that cam
A little Dab will do you but too much Dab will undo you!
Wade Philips twitted that and I think it's hilarious.
OBTW congrats to the Broncos!

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I had to Google "Dab"
Even though I've seen, way too many times lately, Panther fans doing this strange looking thing.
I've complained for years about how much I hate the overblown celebrations, in all sports, and it gets worse every year.
Make a tackle that you're paid big bucks to do, then dance around like a fool?
Hit a homer that you're paid big bucks to do, stand and watch it go out, then flip your bat?
I mostly don't like seeing this on one of my sports teams.
Make that team, as in Cardinals now that the sorry a$$ Rams have left town.
I absolutely loathed the Rams bob and weave celebration back when they were a decent team.
Panthers/Patriots/Seahawks are all 9-1 favorites to make it all the way next year. Don't see it with the Seahawks since Lynch retired. Panthers and Patriots....Super Bowl 51. :)
glad cuz the jerk from Carolina lost...
all words, no guts.


dab that cam

I was in the shower during this play, and I didn't see it's entirety until now, but that was a pathetic effort by Newton to recover the ball (actually, he didn't even try from what I saw). Not a good showing for an MVP. Before the NFC title game, Newton was interviewed by Fox Sports, and he seemed very boastful and self-centered to me - to the point of shocking.

Carolina has a good team, and I like Rivera better than John Fox, but I thought the 2003 team was better than this group - for now. I hope Newton learns something from this game. He has a lot of talent that needs to be channeled in the right direction.

EDIT: How did Denver lose three games?
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