Stuffed Loin on Blue <> Squash & Spuds on Yellow


Bob Correll

R.I.P. 3/31/2022
I used my blue Performer, and yellow kettle for this cook.

Started with a trimmed, brined, and butterflied pork loin.

Tried to flatten it with a skillet.
That didn't work well, had to use a meat mallet.

Made up a paste of applesauce, spicy brown mustard, and minced garlic.

Added Provolone cheese.

Partially wilted spinach in o-oil.

Sprinkled on Mrs. Dash.
Char basket of Kb on each side. No wood added.

Got old yeller going with fingerling potatoes in o-oil.

Added butter, onions, and squash.


I was lucky on my timing, meat and side dish done at the same time.

And served.


A bit of work involved, but the meal was well worth it.
I will put the cheese more to the center next time, had a little oozing problem.

Thanks for the visit!
Bob that looks amazing. Great cook! Its always nice when a plan comes together and all the food is ready at the same time!
I was lucky on my timing, meat and side dish done at the same time

It's not luck, Bob. This is a long practice :rolleyes:.

Perfect lookin stuffed loin!!!
Yes, a bit laborious preparation, but you got really good dinner.
I must, after a long time, to do something similar.
And Brooke slept through this beautiful day:(
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My hat is off to you , sir! That all looks great , but that stuffed loin looks A-mazing!! :wsm:
Robert, I'll Bet That Was DELICIOUS!!
who cares if the cheese leaks... It Looks FANTASTIC!

man! am I gettin' hungry!
Bob that looks awesome...great looking pork loin roll...don't look at Jim's last don't need any bird feeders "these are not the droids your looking for"(little Jedi mind trick I've been trying to perfect)!!

Great cooking Bob!
Thanks everyone!

Rolf, Hate is a four letter word :)

Morgan, Your mind trick didn't work, perhaps because it's a birdbath, not a feeder.:p

