StokerLog Version 5 Preview

Sorry, been too busy to finalize this version. But looks like other the minor request above, we are good to go. So feel free to use "Test2" version posted on this page.
Any chance you will ever release the source to this?

I'm on an all mac / linux environment, and am only interested in the communications piece of it. (The parsing / communication).

I wont get a chance to do much on it, but eventually I plan to write a simple Stoker control program and having some protocol code would help make that part move along faster.
Just more of a reference than anything else; I'm kind of an "averages" of a guy. When I go on a road trips I have my car report what my average MPH and MPG is, don't really do anything with the data although it's interesting information (to me) to know.

Currently I'll "eyeball" my graph and guess what my average temp was for my cook. Just interesting information to know if it was easy to present. If I'm the only person requesting this feature by all means focus efforts on broader feature/enhancement requests.

Using Stokerlog as I type, what a great program for work-day cooks; sitting at my desk monitoring my ribs, got to love it!
Hey Amir - I'm using v5RC1, and am having issues with the email logging. I've tried several different smtp servers, different destination email addresses, secure auth, etc, and have never been able to get an email to come through.

Any clues?
Larry, I have long thought about a status/summar report once the cook is finished that one could save as a reminder of how the cook went, together with any notes and comments. Someone once said there was a standardized log format that is used so maybe I can go with that. Once there, an average, max, deviation, etc., could all go in there pretty easily. So let's pencil that in for V5.1.

Erik, can you first use gmail account and see if that works. If that doesn't, then we know something is wrong with your machine as gmail works for me and many others. Once there, then we can all try to help debug you preferred email server. Ken had some experience walking people though email issues which I think is posted earlier in this note.
Is there a later version out? I have v5RC1 and I heard someone mention that they have 53 beta? Do I have the latest?

It is working great BTW - I had some issues with the fan not coming back on after a spike and long coast back down to temp. Had to update stoker to get it to come back on (either that or it needs to drop 5* below target before it kicks back on).
Is there a version of the firm ware that has this bug corrected? I just got mine a couple of weeks ago and assume it was close to if not the latest firmware.
I just got mine a couple of weeks ago and assume it was close to if not the latest firmware.

I just checked my unit that I know has this "bug" and my version is Version 2.0.259. Checked the Readme file on the current firmware update posted on Rocks and it's version 2.0.259.

Amir, I'm doing my first cook (8 lb brisket) using the V5 and I've got to tell you I really like the "Temp. Panel." Makes monitoring these work day cooks great! Nothing like working and having that floating panel to watch. Good stuff!
Thanks Larry. I too find the temp panel quite handy. Power of community making suggestions comes to play here

As to new version, there is none. There is no fix or even verification of the bug as of yet. I started working with the developer on this but then didn't follow up. My bad. Will do when I get home in a while.
Hmmmm . . . is there a trick to the lid off feature in V5? I had it selected, removed the lid to foil my brisket and fan kept going, waited a couple of minutes to see if she would turn off but it didn't. Had to manually take temp down to 32 on the Stoker box. I have not edited the default setting here, maybe I need to. Please advise.

EDIT: Strange, when I lifted the lid to check the brisket later in this cook Lid Open worked like a champ. Didn't change a thing.
No trick. The lid open logic is too simplistic right now and subject to false positive and negatives. You can go to advanced settings and modify the temp drop that triggers it to make it work better for your smoker. It won't fix everything but may make it better.

I plan to completely rewrite it at some point but have been too lazy to do so given the difficulty in testing it.
I was having some trouble with my wireless set up (kept losing contact with the Stoker). So, I ran an Ethernet cable from my router directly to my barbecue location. I hooked my laptop to the connection and it seems to be working well, so I'm going to test my Stoker, StokerLog and Traeger Controller with the new line this Saturday. Of course I'll let everyone know how it goes.

Did I hear that some use wireless gaming adapters and/or wireless printservers as bridges? I am looking for a wireless option and have not found one yet.

Can anyone out there recommend an inexpensive wireless bridge that you have had good success with? Preferably something that would support WPA Personal/AES encryption for security as that is how I have my home wireless configured.

Hey Derrick, I tried using the wireless gaming adapter we had laying around but didn't have much success, so I bought a Linksys WET11 Bridge off of eBay for $32 and it works like a champ for me. Very solid and reliable. However, I do know of at least one other person on this site who did not have as good of luck with the unit as I did and he got rid of it.

Good luck!
Well, I have a d-link DWL-2100AP , it works with WPA, but it's not cheap at about a c note. You might be able to find one cheaper on e-bay.

