StokerLog Version 5 Preview


Yeah, I did give it a static, but forgot that I had given that IP to one of my Son's machines...I typically give the machines double digits, like, or I forgot that my son had 99...oops...

When the windows program kept loosing connection, it didn't seem out of the ordinary, I mean that sounds like Windows to me.

I am absolutely loving the stoker. It will change the way I cook on the 'que, not doubt.

I might stick my stoker on it's own IP, I have 4 more statics I'm not using outside my firewall on the inet. Maybe I should get my own stoker domain...hehehe...seriously, it seems that the software that runs on the Mac/Linux using Ruby on Rails will be the next thing I look at. I run UNIX at home.
Can you provide the link to Stoker Timer? I searched all over this site and Google and can't seem to find it.
Thanks LarryR. Looks like I'm having the same trouble as some of the people. I just loaded the stoker timer and the email works perfectly, put the same settings in Stokerlog and can't get it to work.

If I do get it to work, I would like to make one suggestion to Amir...I noticed that when you input the password for your email, it shows in cleartext. Would like to see that masked in case someone would happen to be mucking around and would be able to easily see my email password. Just a thought.
Feedback noted Kevin. For now, you may want to use a dummy/new account as to not have any risk of exposure.

I am waiting for my laptop to be repaired to take another look at the email issue. It has the last code revision which my desktop lacks.
Bumping this thread up as it seems people are downloading older versions without it.

Is there a sticky feature on this forum?
Nothing right now Joe. I am in a middle of a few things which is taking all of my time and then some. Hope to be able to free up a cluster of time to make the next push toward version 6.
I seem to be having the email issue also. My email is set for every 10 min. After 30 min. I stop recieving them and when I get back to the computer is singing "Stoker Connection Lost" Any help would be appreciated.

New to the forum but have been using your program stokerlog for 8 months and i love it. I am now trying to access my stoker from outside my network at my office, which I can do, but only directly into the stoker web interface. I can not seem to get connected with stokerlog. It says it is not reading the web interface and stops. I am entering the ip address of my router as in the normal field and have tried it with the HTTP only option checked and not checked with no success. I can email you my ip info to test, or is there something I am obviously not doing? I know you are busy, and appreciate any help you can offer.

I figured it out, it was port fwd issue on my router. Now I can control it from my office via stokerlog, and from my bberry via the stoker webserver. Too bad the stokerlog is not a mobile app!!! Great program!
I am glad you figured it out.

We have talked about making a mobile version by going through a server. But I haven't been able to free up the time to do it....
What a great program StokerLog and Stoker Timers.Thanks to the both of you for spending your time to make our cooking experience better. I keep graphs of my cooks and refer to the times it took to complete for planning. I know keeping a log does the same thing. Just right click and save image is easy.
Do you mean you can change temps and so forth via stokerlog from BB and/or internet connection? I am only aware of receiving the log via my BB and changing parameters directly on Stoker interface. Please let me know if I'm missing out on something.

Originally posted by Rick Schuebel:
Do you mean you can change temps and so forth via stokerlog from BB and/or internet connection? I am only aware of receiving the log via my BB and changing parameters directly on Stoker interface. Please let me know if I'm missing out on something.


Sure you can. It doesn't know who or where you are and doen't care. of course that means someone else could mess with you, so.....

