Steak Sando- the quest for the perfect sandwich


Richard S

TVWBB All-Star
There’s a restaurant in Bend, Oregon that makes a sandwich I’ve been obsessed with for many years. They’ve recently tweaked their offering and it is $20! So we had a quest to re-create the original!
Good vibes at the cabin help and we came prepared to do a Sunday steak 🥩 sando brunch!
Focaccia was made Saturday night. IMG_4007.jpegIMG_4008.jpegIMG_4010.jpeg
The secret aioli weapon!
These were put in oven before finishing assembly.
Ready to go!
The Steak 🥩 Sando!
This is the type of sandwich you can reasonably eat a few times a year! It turned out about perfect. Very labor intensive. We got a better idea of why the charge $20!
looks delicious. a drizzle of balsamic glaze and some evoo along with roasted tomatoes would be on mine. i'm sure you fully enjoyed your sando and then some.
Looks amazing Richard, I just don't know if it would ever make it to a sandwich. Either it's been a long time or I'm really getting old because I can't remember the last time I had a Stout Beer. I think I need a refresher
Oh! Em! Gee! I went to school outside Philly, so am predisposed to the 'traditional' cheesesteak. But this looks 100x better.

