Steak and taters nite


Morgan C.

TVWBB Diamond Member
Howday folks...another boring steak night cook from the great North West...sorry nothing spectacular here but it does me good to post...
Little Pre-cook bourbon and a splash of water to get my head right after work...

Strips seasoned with black pepper and garlic shrooms and red onion and some taters oiled up wit S&P!!

Taters on the grill!

Side two of a steak cook!! Real hot fire! Got a nice confined burn with the fire bricks!

Lovely full grill!

And all plated up with a simple salad and blue cheese, taters with sour cream..yep there is a steak under all the shrooms, little garlic bread and a ice cold brewsky!

Thanks for looking folks! Have a great evening and rest of the week!
Very nice. How to do like that Alaskan Beer? My wife has gone to drinking it...I'm more of a Shiner Bock guy.
You've got to be the steak eatingest man I know, I like that in a person;)
Another fine night of fine food and fine libations!

edit to add:
Happy Birthday Morgan!!!
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Be sure to invite me right after work will ya! After a solid drink....A few puffs of smoke....And then harvest the dinner sounds like heaven. I forgive you for this one...But next time give me a heads up!
You know I have bought one grill and 2 smokers this past year and I have not once did a steak and potato night. Shame on me. I grew up on this as a kid. Thanks for sharing. I plan to do one this weekend for my family. Looks great.
ya, i tell ya, when i come visiting Alaska, i know EXACTLY where to go when i'm hungry!
look out Morgan... I'm hungry almost ALL the time!
Thanks folks!! Appreciate all the great comments!!

Daniel...any time buddy...I think we are thinking alike!! too...anytime( I suggest July)

And Tim I agree...if there is a beef ban...well bootleg steaks will be my business!

Take care

