Starter fluiid



So, 3 time world champion Myron Mixon uses charcoal lighter starter.....hmmm, makes one think if it really matters. I know I used it for many years before switching over to a chimney and really never noticed any fluid taste in any of my food............comments?
i have had the same thought....i like the chimney , but if i was stuck without one and had some lighter fluid....i have to admit id go ahead and use it. the starter cubes are good too. heck , in my youth i would use gasoline sometimes !
And the guy that sells the Pit barrel Cooker suggests using it, as well. I haven't used lighter fluid in many, many years, but I honestly couldn't say I ever noticed a difference. I wasn't grilling much back then, and being raised on the gulf coast, I didn't even know what BBQ was about. Anyhow, I started using a chimney because I heard somewhere that it was the best way and it took a while to burn the lighter fluid off. No denying the smell of Kbb lit with lighter fluid in the neighborhood though, and it sure brings back memories.
first its probably due to the volume that he uses but he also really burns the heck out of them first. to be honest i think its a waste of coals to have to wait that long. plus i do not like the smell in the air that lingers including your clothes. but its your grill, so if you like it, go for it. the trouble in using the chimney isn't a problem at all so i don't see the need to use fluid anyway.
I agree with George... in my experience, it takes a long burn-down to eliminate the lighter fluid smell - that's why I use the chimney exclusively. I'm happy with starter cubes, paper towels soaked with cooking oil and in a pinch newspapers (but that's a last resort - too much ash) under my chimney.
On occasion I have taken 6 briquettes and squirted a little juice on them, not soaking but damp and let them sit for a couple of minutes and put them in the bottom of the chimney and fill my chimney to my desired level and lite it that way.
starter fluid always seems to add the taste of a burning tire to the food.... (that's not good IMO)
How about mesquite flavored lighter fluid?
I think I am on to something:wsm:
I think you might be!
I'm not suggesting that we use lighter fluid....I'm not going back to it.( mainly because;why should I buy it?)
I just can't see being grumpy if some people use it.
How about mesquite flavored lighter fluid?
I think I am on to something:wsm:
I have a vintage 1960's "Hik-Re" charcoal lighter fluid tin that held hickory flavored fluid, or so it says.
Can't find a pic of it right now.

But Kingsford has propane users covered.:rolleyes:

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I've used a chimney for many years, but the main reason I went to it was that I did not have to have lighter fluid on hand, so it simply eliminated an item from inventory. I remember my dad soaking charcoal in gas and putting them at the bottom of the pile of charcoal with a little bit of a "puff" when lit............................d
I've used a chimney for many years, but the main reason I went to it was that I did not have to have lighter fluid on hand, so it simply eliminated an item from inventory. I remember my dad soaking charcoal in gas and putting them at the bottom of the pile of charcoal with a little bit of a "puff" when lit............................d

That's the memory I have too and lots and lots of lighter fluid. I was too young then to know any better but not today.
I will admit that I use starter fluid when its free... Lowes in my area has sometimes promotions that give you a starter fluid when you buy a 20 lb twin pack. I don't use it often but the smell reminds me when I was a kid and my uncles would grill.

