Spatchcock Chicken


Justin S

New member
Hello Everyone,

First time posting, long time lurker. I get a ton of great ideas and recipes from this site.

I just got my 22" WSM and this is my first smoke attempt. I did two spatchcocked chickens. The one on the left is rubbed with Oakridge BBQ Secret Weapon Pork and Chicken Rub and the one on the right is rubbed down with Simply Marvelous Sweet and Spicy. Two phenomenal rubs. I also injected one with Cajun Injector Creole Butter. Both chickens came out extremely flavorful and juicy. I will definitely be doing this again.

Sorry, no plated pics. Enjoy your Saturday!

No photos here. Make sure that you are doing everything correctly.

How to Post a Photo
The Virtual Weber Bulletin Board does not provide photo hosting. In other words, you cannot upload photos to our server and include them in your posts. However, you can link photos to your posts from photo hosting websites like Photobucket, ImageShack, Webshots, Flickr, or Picasa.

Here's how to link a photo from Photobucket to your post. The process is similar for other photo hosting websites; see your photo site's Help Page for details.

Upload a photo to your Photobucket Library.
Mouse over the photo in your library. Hover over the gear icon in the top right corner of the photo to reveal the Media Links. Click on "IMG code". This copies the code necessary to link your photo.
Now write your discussion forum post. Paste the IMG code into your post.
When you click Submit New Thread, your photo appears as part of your post.
Hmmm....I'm showing photos on my mac computer and iPhone. I went through Photobucket and copied image codes and pasted those codes. Everything worked fine in preview mode and I'm seeing them now.
Welcome to the forum, Justin!

Your spatchcock chicken looks terrific.

Looking forward to your future cooks.
Here is one of the pics. Not sure why I am the only one who can see them?:confused:


