something healthy????


Tony R

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
My wife wants to eat more healthy and asked me to grill some chicken with vegetables. That means no skin and trim the fat the best I can. No Beer just mixed drinks. Enjoy. Thanks for looking.

Grilled for about 1 hour in low temp.

This is where I get weird. Got a pan with onions and added 1/2 cup hot water. Covered for 20 minutes


Had a few drinks....

Grilled the veggies and plated them.
Again thanks for looking.


very nice lookin' veggies & bird parts Tony!!

No Beer just mixed drinks.

tell me, does your wife believe there are no calories in mixed drinks?:confused:

side note, a fella i know lost 27 pounds switching from Miller High Life beer to Miller 64 (lite beer).
Same amount of beer intake each day (actually more).
the weight lost was in 32 weeks, no other change in diet.
tell me, does your wife believe there are no calories in mixed drinks?:confused:

She knows it has calories. But she said something about carbs... I don't understand it. I support her. I can tell you I had 5 drinks and I was buzzing. Instead of my normal 9 beers🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺😃😃
Looks like you're making the best of it! Awesome looking chicken and veggies.

My low carb drink of choice is gin mixed with club soda and some lime juice
Looks like you're making the best of it! Awesome looking chicken and veggies.

My low carb drink of choice is gin mixed with club soda and some lime juice

Thanks Riddell. I will pass this on to my wife. To be honest if feels different drinking mixed drinks. But I enjoy her making them and bringing them to me😃
I was about to pour a cold microbrew to finish watching the game, but reading your post I decided to have a Capn and Coke instead. Good post, healthy food and drink!
It all looks super Tony! I had plans for a similar cook tonight but its just to wet out so I'm just going to drool over yours(and pour me a burbon!)

Nice work!
I was about to pour a cold microbrew to finish watching the game, but reading your post I decided to have a Capn and Coke instead. Good post, healthy food and drink!

Nice... Cap'n and coke is good. I'm watching the game also. Save the brew for tomorrow 🍻😎
Nice light meal!

I drink Captain (preferably Sailor Jerry) and Coke Zero a lot, although Jim's story about the guy losing 30 lbs. drinking Miller 64 was sort of inspirational. I'd need some sort of guarantee to try it, though.
Tony it sounds like you're enjoying the best of both worlds. Now if I can just convince Nancy I should be drinking single malt instead of beer.................. :)

