something healthy????

Gotta have some humour. I love what we cook on this site but some of what we do is 180 degrees from lean and mean!
What a nice looking meal.
I you want to cut calories, you'll have to remove both sugar and alcohol from your drinks. There's lots of calories in both.
It is not a good thing to know, but it is the truth.

Then you are left with carbonated water, non- alcohol beer, and water with sugar free fruits added. :)

Cutting one pint of beer each day is like removing a whole standard Snickers bar from your diet. That's about 1/8, or 12% of the calories you need.
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What a nice looking meal.
I you want to cut calories, you'll have to remove both sugar and alcohol from your drinks. There's lots of calories in both.
It is not a good thing to know, but it is the truth.

Then you are left with carbonated water, non- alcohol beer, and water with sugar free fruits added. :)

Cutting one pint of beer each day is like removing a whole standard Snickers bar from your diet. That's about 1/8, or 12% of the calories you need.

Thanks Geir.

