So what is the liquid red stuff in the packages of store bought meat?



TVWBB Diamond Member
I seem to remember someplace reading that it is not blood.
Haven't come up with much doing a Google search.
I've found that using the simplest, most straight-forward description ( as you did when you posted here) works best in google. If that doesn't work, then get into a bit more detail.
Kevin and Len are correct. It is called myowater, a mixture of the red myoglobin protein and water in the muscle tissue.
And when we put it all together and use this phrase definition of purge in the meat industry in google we get the answer you seek. Plus Chris' already informed reply ;)
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.... the latest thinking in food handling/prep says not to wash the meat. Correct? Is it OK if it's been in a "pool of purge"?
Blot it with paper towels?
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Interesting...maybe they should just throw in a couple silica packets with meat. That would take care of the "purge".

