Snowy New Years Eve Ribs


russ olin

TVWBB Platinum Member
Hello Everyone!
Hope that everyone is having a great start to 2019.
Rockin' in some beef ribs that I cut off a rib roast myself. Because I like to leave a little extra meat on them.
Prepared on the M1 using wild cherry wood & maple.
18* at fire off. Wind & snow the whole time. 25* at finish. Loved it need all the snow that we can get here.
5 hours @ 275* the ribs were guud.


Plated & ready to eat.

Notice I had two wood fires going. One in the M1 and one in "woody" the wood stove in the house.
That way I can run back inside & get instantly warmed up. Wood stoves will spoil you. LOL

Have a great 2019 everyone!
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Looks incredible Russ. Love the bark on those ribs! Plate looks great and your final photo is Christmas Card material.

PS.... I've got my wood stove stoked up too. No snow though, just a stiff north wind.
I've also got some rib roast bones to cook up, yours looks really good. Glad to here you got some snow. We got seven inches of the white stuff on Monday which is more than we've had in the last three years and it's so cold it's melting slowly so getting a chance to soak in instead of runoff.
Russ, that meal looks awesome and I love the house pic. Stay warm and Happy Ne Year.

