So I've got a nice 2.5kg pork shoulder all rubbed up . But Its saying rain and what could be sleet (wet snow)most of the day . Any tips on not getting water inside the cooker or will it just evaporat and actually do me some good and create moisture for the meat. I'm not using a water pan and it's far to cold out . Obviously I've got it as sheltered as I can but I'm amazed how much water can get in the top vent . Even when left for a few hours till I can be bothered to clean it up.
As for the rub I use salt pepper cumin fennel mustard seeds paprika and garlic powder with brown sugar . I add a dry coat just as it goes in as I find it dissolves a lot . Always done it this way and coat it then mess about getting it all up to temp . Might try doing it last thing one day
As for the rub I use salt pepper cumin fennel mustard seeds paprika and garlic powder with brown sugar . I add a dry coat just as it goes in as I find it dissolves a lot . Always done it this way and coat it then mess about getting it all up to temp . Might try doing it last thing one day