SmokeFire Restore

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$199 is awesome, in 13 months you got me beat 👍🏻
Regular price on it was $499 and it has a 3 year warranty. So I still have a little over a year warranty on this one. So far only issue it's had has been with the main control. Tore my hair out with it. Then discovered the cracked solder joint on the board, after they sent me 2 replacements faulty out of the box. Took the PCB to my buddy's house (he's got top notch soldering station), He sucked out the solder from all the solder connections. Resoldered the board with "real" solder (actual lead not the tin crap used now) and it's been a "rock". The whole issue was due to cracked solder joint on the switching transistor.
Anyway the thing is a little "crude" and basic but sure turns out nice Q.
But again, I'd have never gone down the this road had it not been for folks like yourself. Learned a lot!
Regular price on it was $499 and it has a 3 year warranty. So I still have a little over a year warranty on this one. So far only issue it's had has been with the main control. Tore my hair out with it. Then discovered the cracked solder joint on the board, after they sent me 2 replacements faulty out of the box. Took the PCB to my buddy's house (he's got top notch soldering station), He sucked out the solder from all the solder connections. Resoldered the board with "real" solder (actual lead not the tin crap used now) and it's been a "rock". The whole issue was due to cracked solder joint on the switching transistor.
Anyway the thing is a little "crude" and basic but sure turns out nice Q.
But again, I'd have never gone down the this road had it not been for folks like yourself. Learned a lot!
If I get an attaboy from you, then this thread was worth it. And don’t forget, you promised I can drive your lawn tractor someday when I’m out your way
Well, it sure took a long time before someone reported this thread to me. I've disappointed in the tone. As you know, I value friendly, helpful conversation above all else and don't like snark and personal attacks. I tried snipping bits of replies here and there and deleted some of the hottest posts at the end of the thread. I've placed a few members into the post moderation queue.

Thank you to those who tried to make peace in this thread.

Closing this thread.
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