Smoked Hamburgers for Smoke Day


Chris Allingham

Staff member
I had planned to make pork butt for Smoke Day, but I did that a couple of weeks ago and wanted to do something different. Something I've always wanted to try. And something I love to eat...hamburgers.

So I made Smoked Hamburgers today.

I made two types of 1/3 pound patties...some were 80/20 ground beef, some were a ground beef/bacon mix. Meat came from Belcampo Meat Co, really high quality stuff. Seasoned the patties simply with a salt, pepper and granulated garlic mix.

Prepared a big Weber chimney full of Kingsford Charcoal Briquets. Spread out the hot coals and added 1 fist-sized chunk of oak smoke wood.

Smoked indirect in the WSM at ~300*F until 150*F internal, then moved the cooking grate directly over the hot coals at the end to finish to 160*F internal. Took just 50 minutes from start to finish!

Great color, great flavor, very moist and juicy. A big hit!

Hope your Smoke Day has been great!


Patties go into the smoker


One chunk of oak wood is all that's needed


Close-up of an 80/20 ground beef burger


Finishing the burgers over hot coals


One of the ground beef/bacon burgers


Close-up of ground beef/bacon burger
Yeah you did! Going after the no traditional smoked food, by enhancing a traditional grill food with smoke goodness!

My hats off to you.
I did a similar smoke then sear on burgers about a month ago, was really impressed with the result it seemed like smoking them helped seal in a lot of the juices to me, sounds like you had a similar result nicely done!


Yeah, that's the money shot.

It's interesting, you cook the burgers for 45, 50 minutes, you don't have to turn them, they don't puff up like they do on the grill, they take on some great color even if you don't sear them at the end. Smoke and ground meat really work well together...just don't apply too much smoke!

