Smoked cheese Pork Chop and a T-Bone


Bob Correll

R.I.P. 3/31/2022
Used my new smoker tube with apple pellets (Thanks Mike C!) to cold smoke cheese and some peppercorns.
The cheese is now vac sealed and mellowing out in the fridge.

Later Saturday, a grilled pork loin chop.

We shared the chop, and a baked potato.

Sunday was steak night.
Fired up some lump.

Added 4 large, oiled, and seasoned mushrooms.

Then a t-bone.

Went caveman with a couple small chuck eyes. (for steak-salad lunches today)

Let my honey have the tenderloin side of the t-bone, and we split another baker.

Two fine dinners this weekend!

I normally put sour cream and/or butter on my spuds, but both times I poured the dab of meat juices, from the resting chop and steak, onto them, and added a splash of evoo.
Tasted great, and didn't miss the butter or sour cream at all.

Thanks for the visit!
I normally put sour cream and/or butter on my spuds, but both times I poured the dab of meat juices, from the resting chop and steak, onto them, and added a splash of evoo.
Tasted great, and didn't miss the butter or sour cream at all.

Thanks for the visit!
Awesome steaks there!

You might want to try some plain Greek yogurt instead of the sour cream. Diet or no diet, I've come to prefer it. 150 calories and 4g of fat for the WHOLE 7oz. CONTAINER. Give it a whirl.

This brand is best:

Looks great! Potatoes in meat juice is always a good thing. We use the plain Greek yogurt instead of sour cream as well, tastes great!
Nice Bob. Chop and steak look good to me. My yard is still snow and ice-bound, but hope to get out for more grilling soon.
Thanks guys!
I'll have to try the yogurt topping next time.

It's going up to 70 today and tomorrow, with maybe some snow on Wednesday. :(

Today's steak salad:
Two great looking cooks. Love the shared chop and giving sweetie the tenderloin side....I do that too. What nice guys we are !
Bob, great looking cooks you did over the weekend. I put the meat juices on potatoes all the time.
Going to have to give that caveman style a try with the next steaks.
Bob, steak looks SUPER!
pork chop, Perfect!!
a salad lunch to Love!!

the cheese, well... we'll wait 'til you cut it ;)

