My oldest son and his family were visiting for a week. We did LOTS of grilling

. He made very thin burgers, in his hands, like the Robert Wise's thin burgers. Two patties to a bun and you get twice the surface crust with all of that good taste.
After looking at this post, my wife and I made some thin burgers, too. Marilyn used a measuring cup (1/3 will give you 6 burgers a pound, so I will use 1/4 the next time and use our burger press to "smash" them). The measuring cup allows you to get "same size" burgers quickly when forming them up. We then use the burger press to smash them...
However, I flipped my grill grates to put the flat surface up and put two of the sections on my Jumbo Joe. The Joe is shallow (compared to my Performers) so one full chimney of lit gets REALLY hot! I cleaned and oiled the surface and slapped the burgers on. About two minutes a side and I had GREAT crust! The burgers were delicious!
Marilyn cut burger "pattie papers" from wax paper and they worked perfectly to separate the burgers and also used to apply them to the griddle. The commercial pattie papers will work perfectly (that's why they make them

The next time you go to a diner watch the short order cook as he uses the paper to slap the burgers on the griddle.
Now, my burgers will be DOUBLE BURGERS as per my son and Robert Wise! (Actually, they will be "double cheese burgers"

Note; The original caution to "never smash your burgers" was about smashing on the griddle while cooking - that WILL squeeze all of the goodness from a burger. However, "smashing" them while forming (even if done the first ten seconds on the grill) will NOT harm them.
Grill Grates work really well for this. You get great all over crust (and that's where the taste is) will little effort. You just have to watch these thin burgers carefully to keep from over cooking them. Not a problem...
Keep on smokin',