Slow Roasted Rack of Lamb with Mustard. Served with Carmelized Onion Jam


Cliff Bartlett

R.I.P. 5/17/2021
Did this cook last week, but thank to two days of internet outages and being out of town, didn't get it posted. Anyway, here are the pictures.

Saw these racks at Costco. Bought two and froze one.

Spread mustard over the rack and seasoned with salt and pepper, parsley, rosemary and thyme.

Let that sit and got working on the Caramelized Onion Jam. Sauteed the onions in olive oil about 15 minutes.

Made a herb bundle with sprigs of rosemary and thyme and bay leaves and added it to the onions and stirring occasionally for a few minutes.

Added white sugar to the top of the onions and cooked for an additional 5 minutes without stirring.

Increase heat and cooked for an additional 6 minutes until amber brown caramel formed.

Reduced the heat and stirred in white balsamic vinegar and cooked about 5 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the jam thickened.

Discarded herb bundle and added some salt and let the jam cool.

Made Rosemary Garlic Roasted Potatoes as a side. Got them going.

On the grill for about 35 minutes.

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Steamed some asparagus in foil on the grill.

Browned the rack for about three minutes on each side.

Moved to the cool side of the grill and finished cooking the rack until IT of meat was 130 degrees, about 20 minutes.


One of the most delicious lamb meals I've ever cooked. Glad I have that second rack. Only screw up was on my Hollandaise Sauce. Made it ahead of time to simplify the cook. Came out creamy and perfect. Once reheated however it was lumpy. Still delicious so I guess all's well. Thanks for looking.
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That lamb looks delicious.

I've never been able to reheat hollandaise without it "breaking" as it did for you. My only solution is: only make it when you're ready to serve it, never before and then try to reheat. There are lots of methods suggested on a reheat but I've never been successful at so I've only made it/used it "first time around".
Ditto Len's opines about the Hollandaise & reheating...

But jiminy-freakin'-cricket Cliff, that's one 'ellova spread! How does one procure an invite to one of your meals? Hat's off!
Very nice. I love to cook racks of lamb indirect on the kettle with some cherry wood. A full chimney of lit behind fire bricks gets it plenty hot but won't burn the Frenched bones (so no need to foil them). I may slide it over the direct heat for a few seconds at the end.

Serve with a yogurt/lemon/olive-oil mix similar to tzatziki sauce.

How was the Caramelized Onion Jam? It sounds good.
Beautiful meal Cliff. It must have been difficult getting the onion jam done on the grill if you had to vary the temps. It all looks delicious!
Cliff, that looks awesome you out did yourself again. I ditto Brian on the invite, you are an amazing cook.
Thanks for all the comments/feed back everyone! Sure appreciate it.

That lamb looks delicious.

My only solution is: only make it when you're ready to serve it, never before.

Thanks Len. Yes, I knew better, but got a little lazy trying to save time.

How was the Caramelized Onion Jam? It sounds good.

Thanks Chris. Appreciate your comments on set up and tips for future cooks. The Onion Jam was fantastic. Nice and sweet and also tart. Paired excellently with the lamb. I saved some of it and will try it on other meats.

Beautiful meal Cliff. It must have been difficult getting the onion jam done on the grill if you had to vary the temps. It all looks delicious!

Thanks Robert. Challenging but not real difficult. I use the fire "half" bricks to moderate temperature. Add bricks for less heat, remove bricks for more.
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Thanks for that little technique tip. I am constantly trying to move my pan from the hot side to the cool side and in between to try and get the perfect temp.

