Simple Weber Performer umbrella mod


Paul Hendricks

New member
I lurk on the forum and steal ideas from here regularly. I do not post much as I am a novice (at best) griller, and have little to offer in terms of grilling advice. However I did make what I feel is a pretty cool mod to my Performer that I think some here will appreciate.

My family counts on me to "man the grill" regardless if there is rain or shine. After enough of the rain part, I decided to make an umbrella mod to the performer to give me some cover.

Basically I screwed two electrical pipe straps to the rear leg of the performer and used them to support the umbrella. In no way, shape, or form will this hold up during a windstorm, or thunderstorm. But under normal circumstances, I think it will work out great. When not in use, I close the umbrella.

I plan to replace the nut on the straps with a wingnut so I can remove the umbrella during strong winds.

I am considering mounting a PVC "sleeve" to the back of the grill using the same type of straps and simply sliding the umbrella in the sleeve when I want to use it.

All said and done, I have about $50 invested in the straps and the umbrella and I am very pleased with how it worked out.

P.S. If you look close at the bottom pic, you can see my cheesy "ash catcher" mod too.

I like it, here in the mountains of Arizona it's not the rain or the wind (That's why I have two gassers on the covered patio) it's the sun, 5800 feet up it can be brutal. I have one performer that's out in the sun so I might steal your idea.
I have a base stand umbrella that I use when necessary for both my WSM and Performer when needed but that is a nice mod.
Very practical. The PVC sleeve sounds like it would make it even more so.

Gotta ask, what's going on with those liquor bottles on poles? Custom Tiki torches?
Very practical. The PVC sleeve sounds like it would make it even more so.

Gotta ask, what's going on with those liquor bottles on poles? Custom Tiki torches?

Yes, they are tiki torches. I bought nice metal ones and watched them rust away and look terrible after a few seasons. I figure with glass and copper components, they will look nice for years to come.
Before I built the double barreled kettle table, I had the old style fiberglass table, and when a crack started I got a SS "U" bolt and drilled appropriate holes in the tables leading edge. I put shims in for some support and used a cement umbrella base on the ground, pretty cheap. Maybe ten bucks.
I like the PVC idea too!
I did the set up on the new table using the same bolt set up but, made a double holed block held in place with thumbscrews on carriage bolts, happy to share shots, just PM me with an address. I drilled a piece of 4x4 and split it on a band saw taking out "just enough". Now I think I probably should have done the PVC route! PVC and hose clamp straight to leg, shoot, that is so simple!
I too agree that the PVC will be needed. I have had a folded up umbrella leave my table during a storm. I hate to see it topple the grill over and take it for a ride!

I think I may steal your ash catcher mod. That dang pan is too small, and hand to carry when full. I just need to find a place for the "extra stuff" I have under there now.

