Side dishes on the smoker

I had to move my gas grill next to the smoker. Having both next to me opened up possibilities. The smoker and gas grill were on opposite sides of the house before. Gas grill was close to guests, so I could be there while grilling burgers. Need to think about my future setup.
I use my gas grill alot even if I'm not cooking on it. It easily holds hot and or greasy things like chimneys, grates etc.
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I often smoke some cheese by putting it in through the side door of my 18" WSM (on the lower food grate) when first starting the smoke. I don't preheat my WSM, but start it cold and only lighting a few coals. This way, I can leave the cheese in for about 5 to 10 minutes (just until it starts to sweat), but pull it before it melts. See pictures of some white cheddar on some aluminum foil boats with tails fresh from my WSM here: What are you cooking for Smoke Day?
Ive only done beans, and put foil wrapped potatoes next to the fire ring....otherwise I just make side items on the stove or kettle
I make smoked tater salad, I boil till almost done remove drain spread out on a cookie sheet and into the fridge for a hour, fire up a smoke tube with hickory bark and hickory pellets, onto a frog mat for about 30=60 minutes depending on outside temps and how much smoke color I want, then back into the fridge to cool off again, mix the mayo and such in then mix all together, I prefer to have them when not having other smoked food, the smoke flavor will get beat out by smoked meats and you won't notice it as well. Making it the day before needed is the best way.
I make an old forum favorite on the smoker, Keri's Hog-Apple Baked Beans:


