Should I buy a wsm?



New member
It's about 3 years that I bought a Weber spirit 310...I use it almost 5 times in a week, I love it and I cook almost everything from meat to fish, low and slow, rotisserie etc...
I also smoke food with the amaze-n pellet tube smoker that I found great for low and slow...
But, I'm not very satisfied with smoky flavor...yes there is, but it's a light flavor...
I'm not very sure, if the smoke flavor is already right, or if with a wsm I will have a more smoky flavor without oversmoking...
I live in an apartment in Italy, so my terrace is not very big but I think I can find a space for a wsm...

So I'm very undecided if I can have a good improvement with the wsm or if the smoke of the pellet in my spirit is already ok...what do you think? Is there someone that have smoked with a propane grill and now use the wsm?

Thank you
I recommend a WSM. It has the smallest footprint (takes up less area) than any smoker I've ever seen. It's only about 24" across and it's a circle. Other smokers are smaller, but they usually have a table attached to them.

Have you ever just added wood to your pellet smoker to increase the smoke?
You could try wood chunks wrapped in foil. Part of the problem with using a gas grill to smoke is it's not sealed up tight so most of your smoke is lost, and the smoking wood tends to burn clean instead of smoke and smolder.
But using chunks will change the result and I can have result similar to wsm...or, for what you said, I will never have a result like a wsm?
it is worth buying the smoker?
But using chunks will change the result and I can have result similar to wsm...or, for what you said, I will never have a result like a wsm?
it is worth buying the smoker?

You might get more smoke from wood chunks wrapped in foil. You wrap them in foil with a few holes poked with a fork. That way they just don't burn up. It still wont work as well as a WSM (dedicated smoker) but it might be better than a perforated tube full of pellets. You might also try a pile of pellets in aluminum foil since you already have them or wrapping the tube in foil and leave just a small area like one end open for the smoke to escape.
I cannot answer your question because, while do I own a Weber gas grill, I have never attempted to smoke with it nor attempt low and slow. I do enjoy grilling with it but I also own some WSM's and I also thoroughly enjoy smoking with them at low temps.
Smoke flavor IMO comes to us from three different things.
Individual taste ( we all have different tolerances )
Fuel ( Charcoal, Propane or Electric) match one with the above, and add a smoke medium.
Smoke-wood. Should it be chips, pellets or chunks, and should the chunk's have the right moisture content for a flavorful smoke?

If you like BBQ and smoke flavor in your food, you won't regret getting a WSM. It has been my experience that trying to smoke in a device not designed for the purpose is a bit of an uphill battle. My condo had a large deck and I used a WSM there for several years. Absolutely loved it. I now have a real back yard and use the WSM a couple times a month when there's not snow on the ground. I've been expanding my repertoire, most recently adding Canadian bacon, which has been a big hit. (Just started curing 9 more pounds of it today.) I find the variety of things that can be cooked on the WSM quite surprising. Now that it's getting colder I'm going to put some smoke on a few pounds of cheese.
I just read your location, I really enjoy the fact that this site has members from all over the globe!
Enjoy it the minute it arrives! You will never regret it!
If this isn't to late, I would ask your landlord or property maintenance manager if cooking with charcoal is even allowed. If it is then a 14 wsm sounds like the ticket.

I know that but I won't have any problem for that, because I am at last level and I will use a chimney with electric resistance that lit briquettes without smoke combining that with zero smoke briquettes
I might be messing up the facts, but I thought I read someplace that the problem with propane smokers is that somehow the burning of the gas keeps the smoke flavor down? I might be wrong on that.

Anyway, yes, buy the WSM.

