
Fantastic looking array of goodness!!! If I was there the oysters wouldn't have been the only thing not to make it to the plate, all of it would have been Gone in 60 Seconds!!
Thanks again folks, appreciated:eek:

Thumbs up on the cucumber martini.
Thanks Noel, if you haven't tried a Tanqueray Cucumber'tini, ya gotta! They're tooo refreshing!!!

So, can't get away with this !...I mean, you put ten on the plate to grill and only nine made it in the pool.... So,...what ?, you tinka me wazza no watch ?
yes David, i did one raw oyster with a shot of Tabasco... then decided to add smoke...

Are you flippin kidding me? You didn't enter this into the throwdown?
thanks Jim, butt you will probably not see me in any of the TDs.... ;)
I think we should head to Bourbon St. asap and call JIM after the 3rd 1/2 dozen as we stroll along with a draft or two. What an inspiration the Lampe Be !
Jim - that's a fine plate of seafood....I grew up on the beach and that would be a pretty expensive dish at any restaurant...and I'm sure yours was terrific!

