Running Thermometer Probe Under the Lid?


Matt Ellis

New member
I've got a ThermoWorks Smoke and for my first two smokes I've simply just run the wire under the lid and placed the lid back on. It seems to work just fine, there is no noticeable gap left from doing this that I can notice, the food has come out great, and I've even seen on ThermoWorks site that this is an option. However in all my research on this forum or anywhere else I don't think I've seen this method come up once? It seems the easiest; I have an older model so it doesn't have a grommet. I could do the notch I suppose, but this just seems easy?
I've been doing this on my kettle, I do see a little smoke escaping around the lid but not much, seems to work okay so far.
As long as your careful not to crimp the probe wire, it'll be fine, but with a notch there's no all.
I used a grinding wheel to cut a small notch in the lip as mentioned above. It has worked fine for me and removed the fear of crimping the wire.
The notch is so easy to cut with a grinder and much easier on the probe wires. I even cut a notch on my 14.5" WSM (came with a grommet) because it is so easy to use. That is MY chosen way to deal with this "issue". Using a remote digital therm is so helpful that I cannot imagine smoking a grilling without one (or two). Thermoworks "Smoke" is my preference due to both their superb customer service AND the much better probes supplied.

Keep on smokin',
Using a grinding wheel, be careful when you cut. The wheel will go through the WSM like a hot knife through butter. Use a delicate hand.
Thanks, don't really like crimping the leads under the lid like I do, even though it has done no damage, yet.

