rib silver skin


Robert D

TVWBB Member
this is my 10th time smokin ribs. For some reason I am having trouble removing the silver skin. It just breaks up into threads when i try to remove it. Terribly frustrating.

Any advice? Thanks!
Silver skin on ribs?? I only see the membrane on the concave side. And that's removed before cooking. Even when I got a whole side and trimmed the ribs myself, there is no silver skin, only the membrane.

FWIW, I googled what you meant by "silver skin on ribs". It turns out its the membrane we are talking about. You start at the tail (narrow) end with a dull butter knife and it pulls up like a sock (well, half a sock). Start lifting at the second rib in (will give you more to grab onto with a paper towel than if you start lifting right at the last rib).

It only starts to shred when you get near the flap. Get as much as you can, don't worry about the rest.

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If you been at it for an hour, sounds like the butcher has already removed it. You're trying to get the under-lying membrane off (there are in essence, two membranes here). DON'T DO IT!. That's what is holding the meat to the bone and if it's removed, well the whole thing will fall apart when cooked.
bought it from BJ's. I don't think they do it for you.
I've done ribs many times, but have never had this issue.
Too late now but post a pic next time "mid-removal" if you're experiencing an issue with removal.

I've never had a problem getting the primary membrane off but that's me and not you ;) Like in my pic in my first comment, it's one taken off the 'net but it might as well be me, it is very accurate depiction of the removal process.
BJ, I used to just slit the silver skin vertically to allow the fat in between to render when I did ribs. Recently I've started to remove the skin and like the coverage I can get with my rub. Hey, just another option for you :)
Robert, hang in there! It can be confusing if you get ribs where the membrane has already been removed. I buy ribs at Costco and the membranes have been removed at the packing plant before they ever hit the door at Costco. I wonder if it's the same at BJ's?

Len's photo-s is a great look at what the membrane looks like if it's there. It's very smooth and shiny, and if it's been removed what's under it is not so smooth and shiny. But even I get fooled sometimes when I go to skin a rib and realize it's already been done, so don't feel bad if that happens to you!

Good luck,

