Rib Cook (just not what was planned)



I was on tap to cook spare ribs on Sunday, so after golf, I rushed home to prep some more rub, since I knew we were low. Surfer Dude helped me out with grinding some dried ancho, guajillo and habanero chilis, and gathering all the other ingredients. So Lauren gets home from the butcher with a pack of ribs. I opened them up and thought, "those are the biggest spare ribs I've ever seen!" They were beef ribs. I'm not making this up .... So we made a mid-course correction. I found some coffee rub I use on brisket. Some salt and rub later:

On the rack ready to go on the kettle.

I finally got around to doing the blooming onion thing taught to me by Jim Lampe (thanks for the link Jim!) Used some cajun rub.

And threw some pats of butter on them for good measure.

Ribs are done. Next time (if there is one) I'm going to foil the top ends toward the end, since they got a little crispy (i.e. burned).

Onions still going, so I added some corn to the party.

Corn is almost ready.

Corn nicely grilled, so I put a butter, garlic, S&P glaze on them for a final couple minutes.

Plated with a Bordeaux. I actually could have gone 30 minutes longer with the blooming onions, even though they had been going for over an hour. Surfer Dude made up a sauce from who-knows-what that he put on the ribs. It was good!

Next time, I want PORK darn it!
Great meal all around. Is that a Corona chaser I see hiding behind the Bordeaux?

BTW: I may have missed it. Who is Surfer Dude?
I prefer beef ribs over pork ribs. My suggestion is to flip the ribs in the last hour. It gets a little more even cooked. I haven't had to foil the edges myself, but that does sound like a good idea.:)
Nice cook....dude :) way to switch gears and go for it. I think it's situations like that, that make you a better cook :) doesn't hurt to have an all star crew backing you either. Sounds like it was a team effort, only a tight family could pull that off. Congrats to the Dale grilling clan! :)
Dale, do you mind sharing the blooming onion recipe or link that you got from Jim Lampe? I would very much like to try this. Thanks.
Dale, i gotta tell you... your ribs look GREAT! As do the onions!
The thing that bothers me MOST about beef ribs is: The butchers are BUTCHERING them and 90% of the time, they're selling bones with SOME beef on them.
I saw beef ribs at the store last week with the meat cut away between the sticks so I asked WHY??!!
evidently, i asked the wrong butcher.... he said (something like), "umm, that's the way they come..." with a dull, monotone look on his face.
Anyway, enuf rant from me.... Dale, great looking dinner man! Love it!!

(Dean, check out this YouTube video)
Thanks for the link again Jim. And I'm with you on the beef ribs experience. Dean that's the link. And we loved it! Highly recommended!

