Reynolds 914 wrap


Sonny Roach

Does anyone use Reynolds 914 wrap in place of foil for wrapping / finishing. Used this back in the day with mixed results. Just wonder what others think. Thanks! Sonny
914 is the plastic wrap, heat resistant to 250 degrees. Used to wrap ribs, butts, etc to finish, locked in juices better than foil, seemed like too well at times. Just wondering what others felt...
Ive seen plastic wrap used in the holding/resting process for ribs, butts etc. I even think I saw Emeril L. or Alton B.,use it one time cooking ribs low and slow in the oven.
Yes, for example, you can wrap butts in plastic wrap and then in foil and continue to cook low and slow. I guess there are a number of theories...plastic retains moisture, plastic doesn't react like aluminum foil, etc. I tried it once but never again.

Most plastic wraps are good to about 220 or even 250*F. They get brittle at those temps. If the plastic touches meat or fat that gets hotter than that, it will melt.

well, for pete's sake, it's gotta be better than GLAD CLING WRAP and SARAN WRAP that I battle EVERY time i use it.... (simply for storage, that is...)
I don't use it to wrap hot food, but Stretch-Tite is the best plastic wrap that I've ever found, and it has a nifty slide cutter on the box.

I bought a twin pack from Costco a couple or three years ago, and I'm still on the first 758' roll.
My goal in life is to stay alive long enough to see the end of each roll.


