Request for Weber tattoo photos!


Chris Allingham

Staff member
Hi everyone,

I received a note from Stig Pedersen, the director of marketing for Weber in Europe and founder of the Danish National BBQ Team. He's looking for photos of Weber tattoos. You read that of tattoos of the Weber logo or Weber products on your body! You might even get a cool prize.

In addition to sending these directly to Stig, it would be fun if you'd post your photos here for us to see, too. I know there are some cool tattoos out there, so let's see them!



Hi TVWBB Members,

I am currently struggling with a task that needs your support. I am seeking pictures of real WEBER TATTOOS of anything related to Weber – the smoker, the logo, the original kettle or anything else – bring it on.

Please send a picture to with a short description of: Who you are, when it was made and why.

I will give a rare Weber merchandise item to the best picture. I need them before 15th of October – so there is some time.

All the best,

Stig Pedersen
Certified Weber enthusiast :o)
Not a Weber tat,but kinda like it myself!
In 1980 I got a tattoo of a Bald Eagle on my shoulder outside Ft Bragg NC from a guy named Poison John. But, no Weber ink here. :(
It's been awhile now but I recall a person posted a tattoo of a WSM on this board. I think it was on his calf. I thought that was right up there with putting someone's name on your body but I guess people do it.
I thought you were going to sell us some of those waterslide temporary tattoos to go along with the next TVWBB t-shirt sale.
I'm going to leave a clean corpse, unless the Chargers go to the Superbowl, in which case I will put a lightning bolt down the long scar on my bicep from the (unsuccessful) reattachment surgery!
BTW, nice tat Phil.

