Redemption Wings!


Richard S

TVWBB All-Star
Truth be told, I must confess…the last batch of these I made a few weeks ago were not up to my standard. And my kids, did not call me out on it. It was a cold January night after a brutal week of work and I definitely mailed it in. Not tonight!
Got the Performer setup and the deck cleared of snow. Quite a week of weather in Southern Oregon. The warmth of this beverage set the tone!IMG_9996.jpegRubbed the wing/drummer combo pack and prepped some BnB with peach. Let them ride at about 350. IMG_0001.jpegVeggies were readied on the CI! IMG_9997.jpegIMG_9998.jpegIMG_9999.jpegDid some dry and some with our good friend Frank!IMG_0002.jpegIMG_0008.jpegIMG_0003.jpegMy boys love this meal. After I confessed I was not happy with my prior attempt, my youngest admitted that it was not up to par. But he also said these wings were the best he’s had…so…yeah. It was a good night!IMG_0006.jpegCheers!
I was thinking about a bourbon marinade!
Just picked up some sweet Italian Kilties, chorizo is thawing just in case I want to make some shotgun shells, wings are “Dry brine thawing so, I think those three things should make “Treats at Rehab” nice. Some various chips and dips. I don’t know if I’ll have time to make guacamole but, I’ve got a couple of tubs from Costco which need to be enjoyed! Hauling the whole mess in will be fun but, it will be something to do before I get here.
I was thinking about a bourbon marinade!
Just picked up some sweet Italian Kilties, chorizo is thawing just in case I want to make some shotgun shells, wings are “Dry brine thawing so, I think those three things should make “Treats at Rehab” nice. Some various chips and dips. I don’t know if I’ll have time to make guacamole but, I’ve got a couple of tubs from Costco which need to be enjoyed! Hauling the whole mess in will be fun but, it will be something to do before I get here.
That will certainly be the best food that facility has ever seen! Great plan!

