Quick Weisswurst


Chris Lynch

TVWBB All-Star
While filet shopping at Hickman's Meat Market in Lewes DE this weekend I picked up a few more treats to bring home. This is one of them. Tossed them on the grill with fried onions and grilled broccoli. I use the term grilled loosely because the broccoli tends to dry out on the grill. So to keep this from happening I spray it with water and oil about half way through the process. This keeps it moist in the dry air and actually steams it a little. .

And plated! I know these shouldn't be grilled but to heck with them! These were so good. The broccoli then receives a heavy dose of my balsamic vinaigrette right before I pull it. It gives the broccoli a sweet caramelized lip smacking vinegary garlicy goodness!

Thanks for looking!

Next up "Wagyu Beef" hot dogs made from the trimmings
We call that Bockwurst. But besides that I never saw them made that big. The ones here are more breakfast sausage size. Thanks for sharing.
Very nice looking dinner!!! There was a German Market in San Diego that made the best sausages! You had to pay cash and their cash register was one of those old mechanical ones that went cha ching when the drawer opened. Loved that place. The owner died a couple of years ago and the place just closed after that.
Dig It!!

Chris, your plate photo looks absolutely Fantastic!
What type of roll/bread did you use?
Yaknow what? I'd eet three of those things RIGHT NOW without a 10 second break!
Awesome and delicious looking cook Chris! You said "I know these shouldn't be grilled but to heck with them!" well
my thoughts are is if you can cook it on the stove or in the oven, you can cook it on the grill or smoker and it will
taste better!
Chris, your plate photo looks absolutely Fantastic!
What type of roll/bread did you use?
Yaknow what? I'd eet three of those things RIGHT NOW without a 10 second break!

Thanks all. Jim, trader Joes makes these rolls that are the tips of bread but split down the middle to make the roll. It's kinda weird but really good.

