Jon Tofte
TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
Yeah, that ad is so typical of some sellers. I've seen nasty kettle grills with used up charcoal still in them proudly listed for sale. I think they just want it GONE! At that price, as much as I don't like the 3rd generation Summits, I have to admit that one looks like a deal if you want a really big monster grill. I think the black is cool anyway.Its just not in my nature to advertise something without even trying to clean it up for sale. That black one could look dazzling with 30min of cleaning. Anyway its in a lot better shape than mine was for sure. The IR burner looks very fresh.
I did a heat run tonight on mine....I must admit I hate the way the ignition system works. I fired up the 6 cook box burners and she ran to 650 degrees like a scalded mule! This Summit is a real monster!! I knew I shouldnt have mentioned how happy I was about fixing my IR burner because after blazing the 6 burners to 650 degrees, I tried the IR....I couldnt get it to stay litI am not sure if all of that heat inside the cook box scares the hell out of the thermocouple or what but it would ignite but just would not stay lit....back to square one.
I am sorry you are still having problems with the infrared. I would be curious what happens if you try it with the main burners off and then with them on medium/low. It does seem like those things are kind of temperamental.