Pulled pork internal temp?



TVWBB Super Fan
As i've been browsing recipes for pulled pork, I've noticed there is a range of final temps on the meat. They've ranged from 190-210. What do you usually cook yours too? I've usually pulled off around 195.

Don't go by temps. Go by tenderness. Start probing when you think it's done. If your probe goes in with no resistance,it's done!
What Phil Perrin said ! The probe, be it a fork or a thermapen's pointy end is your friend.

Since each animal is different, so is the level of the connective tissue protein Collagen development. As such, no two animals will become tender at exactly the same temperature nor time at temperature.
I usually find it tender at around 190. It typically takes me 13 hours to get there with a 9 to 10 pounder.
I go by what the probe tells me. Both by temp, 190-195' and by feel. If anything the feel is the deciding factor.

Daum, keep a temp probe in the meet throughout. That will be your guide as to when to begin checking foe tenderness. As Phil sail the best way to tell if your BB is done is by checking tenderness. When the meat hits 180-190, begin probing for tenderness. You want the probe to enter and exit effortlessly. (Kinda like a cake test) If you're not sure if it is finished, probe the meat closer to the edges first as it will cook/get finished first. If the probe feels the same (or relatively similar) on the in the center of the largest section of the butt as it does closer to the outer edges, the meat is good to go. Don't over think it, as butts are pretty bulletproof. Get it on the smoker and enjoy the ride!
Good luck,
I seem to like it best between 198 & 202, but that doesn't stop me from doing quality control on whatever piece looks easy to tug off.

Sliced is good too but not my preference. Had some like that a few weeks ago.
I start checking when the temp hits 190 degrees internally. I have had butts done perfectly at 195 and some have to be taken to 205. I use a fork and twist. That gives me the best idea when the pork is ready to be pulled.

Keep on smokin',
Yes, it does seem that they are all different and somewhere in the mid-190s to low-200s is when they are done. There is also the shoulder blade wiggle for a Boston butt -- if it wiggles loose with almost no effort -- it's done.

I don't wrap during the cook, spritz liberally with apple cider vinegar at about 180 (an hour or so before done). The cider vinegar adds no taste, but seems to take all the bitterness out of the bark. When it's done, it gets wrapped in heavy foil and rests in a cooler for at least 2-3 hours.

